Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1728
Optimal dual frames and frame completions for majorization
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2013-03)
In this paper we consider two problems in frame theory. On the one hand, given a set of vectors F we describe the spectral and geometrical structure of optimal completions of F by a finite family of vectors with prescribed ...
Optimal frame completions with prescribed norms for majorization
(Springer, 2014-10)
Given a finite sequence of vectors F0 in a d-dimensional complex Hilbert space H we characterize in a complete and explicit way the optimal completions of F0 obtained by appending a finite sequence of vectors with prescribed ...
Optimal frame completions
Tight frame completions with prescribed norms
(Sampling Publishing, 2008-01)
Let H be a finite dimensional (real or complex) Hilbert space and let {a_i} ∞_i=1. be a non-increasing sequence of positive numbers. Given a finite sequence of vectors F = {f_i}p_i=1 in H we find necessary and sufficient ...
Frame completions with prescribed norms: local minimizers and applications
(Springer, 2017-04-12)
Let F0 = {fi}i∈In0 be a finite sequence of vectors in Cd and let a = (ai)i∈Ik be a finite sequence of positive numbers, where In = {1,...,n} for n ∈ N. We consider the completions of F0 of the form F = (F0, G) obtained by ...
Optimal frame completions
(Springer, 2014-12)
Given a finite sequence of vectors F0 in C d we describe the spectral and geometrical structure of optimal frame completions of F0 obtained by appending a finite sequence of vectors with prescribed norms, where optimality ...
On perturbations of woven pairs of frames
(Springer, 2022-01)
In this note, we prove some results related to small perturbations of a frame for a Hilbert space H in order to have a woven pair for H. Our results complete those known in the literature. In addition we study a necessary ...