Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 137
(Ethno)mathematics as discourse
Interpreting mathematics as a discourse includes three claims: that there are forms of mathematics-reality transitions, that mathematics includes actions, and that mathematics includes a political dimension. Through a ...
De la Supervisión al Acompañamiento Pedagógico
(Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, 2015)
Redescription of the overlooked basal frog Wealdenbatrachus reveals increased diversity among Early Cretaceous anurans
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019-07)
The anuran Wealdenbatrachus jucarensis Fey, 1988 is represented by several specimens, each consisting of an association of disarticulated bones preserved on slabs from a lignite mine near the village of Uña, Cuenca Province, ...
Mapuches en la mira de las racionalidades políticas: poder y diferencia cultural desde la Conquista española hasta el Chile actualMapuches on the overlook of Political Racionalities : Power and Cultural Difference from Spanish Conquiest to Actual Chile
(Ediciones Universidad Católica de Temuco, 2005)
Political legitimacy, fragmentation and the rise of party-formation costs in contemporary Latin America
(Sage Publications, 2014-04)
This article contributes to the study of party regulation in contemporary Latin America in two main ways. Firstly, it identifies a so far overlooked process by which four countries (Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Peru) ...
How sovereignty claims and “negative” emotions influence the process of subject-making: Evidence from a case of conflict over tree plantations from Southern Chile
(Elsevier, 2017)
Conflicts over tree plantations in the global South challenge the image of sustainability and efficiency that
some states and forestry companies construct for themselves and forestry extractivism. Research on the
power ...
Climate change and tectonic uplift triggered the formation of the Atacama Desert’s giant nitrate deposits
(Geological Society of America, 2014)
The giant nitrate deposits of the hyperarid Atacama Desert
(Chile) are one of the most extraordinary, yet enigmatic, mineral
occurrences on Earth. These deposits are complex assemblages of
highly soluble nitrates, ...
Multidetector CT for Evaluation of the Extrapleural Space
The extrapleural space (EPS) is an anatomic space at the periphery of the chest that can be involved in a number of disease processes. This space lies between the inner surface of the ribs and the parietal pleura and ...