Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 101
Análisis del desarrollo económico - comercial del sector forestal productivo de Chile en el período 1995 - 2015
(Universidad de Chile, 2017)
En los últimos veinte años Chile ha tenido un desarrollo forestal importante, influenciado
por estrategias políticas y económicas direccionadas a participar de forma activa en el
comercio internacional.
En este proceso, ...
Análisis del desarrollo económico - comercial del sector forestal productivo de Chile en el período 1995 - 2015
(Universidad de Chile, 2018)
From biophysical to social-ecological trade-offs: Integrating biodiversity conservation and agricultural production in the Argentine Dry Chaco
(Resilience Alliance, 2015-01)
Agricultural intensification in rural areas of developing countries compromises the provision of ecosystem services. Social conflict arises among landholders with different preferences for ecosystem services and land-use ...
Trade-offs between ecosystem services and alternative pathways toward sustainability in a tropical dry forest region
The design of strategies aimed at sustainable resource management requires an understanding of the trade-offs between the ecosystem services at stake, to determine appropriate ways in which to navigate them. We assess ...
Strategies Of A Light-demanding Emergent Tree To Thrive In A Neotropical Seasonal Forest With Alternating Light Or Water Shortage
Trade-offs between land use intensity and avian biodiversity in the dry Chaco of Argentina: A tale of two gradients
(Elsevier, 2013-07)
Studies to assess the relationship between agriculture production and biodiversity conservation usually focus on one gradient ranging from a natural reference land cover type (typically forest) to an intensive productive ...
Changes in forest structure modify understory and livestock occurrence along the natural cycle and different management strategies in Nothofagus antarctica forests
(Springer Nature, 2022-08-17)
Sustainable forest management is proposed as a solution for many ecological and socioeconomic trade-offs associated with different forest uses. In Patagonia, silvopastoral systems were proposed to balance provisioning ...
Strategies Of A Light-demanding Emergent Tree To Thrive In A Neotropical Seasonal Forest With Alternating Light Or Water Shortage
(Soc Botanica Sao PauloSão Paulo, 2016)
Modelo de desenvolvimento neoextrativista latino-americano: um olhar biofísico para o comércio exterior do Brasil e das regiões brasileiras (1997-2019)Latin American neo-extractive development model: a biophysical look at foreign trade in Brazil and the Brazilian regions (1997-2019)
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Economia, 2021)