Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5951
Rentabilidad del aprovechamiento maderable de los planes de manejo aprobados en el período 2010-2013 y su efecto en el costo de oportunidad de la tierra, para el Área de Conservación Arenal-Huetar Norte, Costa Rica
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2018)
Evalúa la rentabilidad del modelo actual de aprovechamiento maderable en bosque natural, dentro del Área de Conservación Arenal-Huetar Norte. A través de la construcción de tres escenarios típicos, se determinó la renta ...
A mixed integer programming model to evaluate integrating strategies in the forest value chain - a case study in the Chilean forest industry
(Canadian Science Publishing, 2015)
When a company is integrated vertically, it can manage and plan its overall value chain in one direct and integrated approach. However in many cases, companies follow a decoupled approach where forests and production plants ...
Brazilian State Forest Institutions: Implementation of forestry goals evaluated by the 3L model
(Land Use Policy, 2019)
Evaluations for sustainable forest management: towards an adaptive standard for the evaluation of the ecological sustainability of forest management in Costa RicaEvaluación de la sostenibilidad para el manejo forestal: determinación de un estándar integrado y adaptativo para la evaluación de la sostenibilidad ecológica del manejo forestal en Costa Rica
(Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), 2014)
A patch-model for managed tropical lowland rain forests in Costa Rica
(CATIE, Turriaba (Costa Rica), 2000)
The gap modelig approach was used to develop a simulation model for Pentaclethra forests of the Central American Atlantic Moist ecoregion. The model uses empirically estimated functions fitted from a eight-years field ...
Above-ground biomass storage potential in primary rain forests managed for timber production in Costa Rica
(Elsevier, Ámsterdam (Países Bajos), 2021-07)
Tropical forests play a fundamental role in mitigating climate change through storage of carbon in above- and below- ground biomass. Their mitigation potential is, however, affected by significant greenhouse gas emissions ...
Economic evaluation of timber and non-timber forest products of in Yucatan State, Mexico: A case study of Cordia dodecandra (Ciricote) tree
(Universidad de Talca (Chile). Facultad de Ciencias AgrariasGeorg-August-University of Göttingen (Germany). Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, 2010)
Productivity and costs of Beller-Buncher and forest processor in stands of eucalypts in first cut
(Centro Pesquisas Florestais, Ufsm, 2014-07-01)
The rationalization of forest harvesting and minimization costs is a constant search by the managers involved in this process, making them decide practices which are economically viable to optimize that operation. This ...
Poverty and commercialization of non-timber forest products
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, División de Economía, 2010)