Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2301
Irreversibility and the economics of forest conservation.
Regenerating forest on land used for non-forest economic activities can be difficult; this introduces some irreversibility in the process of deforestation. We analyze the effect of such irreversibility (reforestation cost) ...
Irreversibility and the economics of forest conservation.
Regenerating forest on land used for non-forest economic activities can be difficult; this introduces some irreversibility in the process of deforestation. We analyze the effect of such irreversibility (reforestation cost) ...
Optimizing feature selection through binary charged system search
Feature selection aims to find the most important information from a given set of features. As this task can be seen as an optimization problem, the combinatorial growth of the possible solutions may be inviable for a ...
Enhancing brain storm optimization through optimum-path forest
Among the many interesting meta-heuristic optimization algorithms, one can find those inspired by both the swarm and social behavior of human beings. The Brain Storm Optimization (BSO) is motivated by the brainstorming ...
A multicriteria stochastic optimization framework for sustainable forest decision making under uncertainty
(Elsevier B.V., 2019)
© 2018 Elsevier B.V.A core process in forestry planning corresponds to the design of optimal harvesting policies along with road network layouts. In the most common setting, decision makers seek for solutions that maximize ...
Productivity and costs of Beller-Buncher and forest processor in stands of eucalypts in first cut
(Centro Pesquisas Florestais, Ufsm, 2014-07-01)
The rationalization of forest harvesting and minimization costs is a constant search by the managers involved in this process, making them decide practices which are economically viable to optimize that operation. This ...
A Linear Programming, Tabu Search method for solving forest-level bucking optimization problems
The forest-level bucking optimization problem consists of determining the bucking program that maximizes the global profit subject to demand constraints, merchandising restrictions, and forest-estate, A Linear Programming-Tabu ...
A modeling framework for the optimal forest supply chain design considering residues reuse
(Elsevier B.V., 2018-10)
In the forest industry, large volumes of residues are generated during the harvesting and lumber production, whose re-use can increase the economic opportunities in this industry. In this sense, they can be used as raw ...
Feature selection through binary brain storm optimization
Feature selection stands for the process of finding the most relevant subset of features based on some criterion, which turns out to be an optimization task. In this context, several metaheuristic techniques have been ...