Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 926
This article discusses the main aspects of the Brazilian real estate market in order to illustrate if it would be attractive for a typical American real estate investor to buy office-building portfolios in Brazil. The ...
Presidents versus foreign offices: The formulation of foreign policy in Brazil and Chile between 1990 and 2010 Presidentes frente a cancillerías: La formulación de la política exterior en Brasil y Chile entre 1990 y 2010
(Asociacion Espanola de Ciencia Politica y de la Administracion, 2019)
The purpose of this article is to explain the different role and influence exercised by Brazil's and Chile's Foreign Offices (or Chancelleries) during the formulation and implementation of their foreign policy. To this ...
Rupturas e continuidades no padrão organizacional e decisório do Ministério das Relações Exteriores
(Instituto Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais, 2010)
Esse artigo tem como objetivo compreender como se estrutura o processo decisório em política externa no Brasil, com ênfase na dinâmica inter-burocrática. Para tanto, foi estabelecido dentro de um marco temporal de 20 anos ...
DOCUMENTOS: UNITED KINGDOM - Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Human Rights and Democracy Report 2018
(Centro UC Derecho y Religión, 2023)
A relação entre línguas estrangeiras e o processo de internacionalização : evidências da Coordenação de Letramento Internacional de uma Universidade Federal
The paper discusses the role of and relationship between globalization and foreign languages in the process of internationalization of higher education. To this end the article reviews studies on the role of foreign languages ...
A strategic perspective on São Paulo’s high-end office market for foreign investments: the JLL’s case study
The objective of this case study is to analyze and describe, by the lens of a real estate consultancy, why the Brazilian real estate market is attractive for foreign investors, analyzing their strategic view of this market ...
Apuntes sobre el comercio entre Puerto Rico y Gran Bretaña en el siglo XIX
(Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, 1992)
El síndrome del mandarín: desventuras de un embajador británico
(De La Salle Ediciones, 2020-01)
Neville Henderson (1882-1942) fue clave en la política de “apaciguamiento” emprendida por los Gobiernos del Reino Unido y Francia ante Hitler entre 1937 y 1939. Último embajador inglés en Berlín, Henderson buscó ciegamente ...
Examining Argentina's New Foreign Policy Under Macri
(Royal United Services Institute, 2016-03)
Argentina’s isolation from global financial markets appeared to be total and long-lasting. Now the country is on the verge of ending its isolation: the injunctions preventing it from borrowing on international markets are ...