Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1514
The effect of trade and foreign direct investment on inequality: Do Governance and Macroeconomic Stability Matter?
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C., 2011-06)
Through dynamic panel data techniques and applying the estimatedhousehold income inequality data-set (Galbraith and Kum, 2003), this paper is aimed at exploring the effect of economic variables such as trade, foreign direct ...
Presença de matérias estranhas em erva-doce, Pimpinella anisum L.Presence of foreign matter in anise, Pimpinella anisum L.
(Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade em Saúde, 2015)
“Transorbitario” foreign body after ATV accident
(Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia, 2017)
This report aims to show an unusual case of “transorbitário” wooden foreign body causing visual loss due to optic nerve damage on the side contralateral penetration of foreign matter.
Mexico, the Americas, and the world, 2004-2014: ten years of public opinion and foreign policy
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, División de Estudios Internacionales, 2016)
Control jurisdiccional de los actos de políticas exterior: la Sala Constitucional de Costa Rica (1989-2011)
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2012)
Analiza el control jurisdiccional de los actos no jurídicos de la política exterior en sede constitucional de Costa Rica. Aborda el problema en la definición del concepto operativo de política exterior y analiza la evolución ...
Cuba após a Guerra Fria: mudanças econômicas, nova agenda diplomática e o limitado diálogo com os EUA
(Instituto Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais, 2010-07-01)
Cuba has undergone several transformations after the Cold War. The economy has become more diversified and the country has been able to overcome international isolation, and in so doing establish partnerships with China, ...
Foreign IPR, Trade and Innovation: Does complexity matter?
(School of Business and Economics, Universidad del Desarrollo, 2015-10)
This paper studies the relation between foreign intellectual property rights affect exporting firms' productivity when industries have different technological complexity. Using simple functional forms, the dynamic model ...
Foreign direct investment and inequality in developing countries: does sector matter?
Scholars have studied the relationship between inward foreign direct investment (FDI) and within-country income inequality in cross-national contexts, but have not empirically investigated how FDI in different sectors might ...
Foreign IPR, Trade and Innovation: Does complexity matter?
(School of Business and Economics, Universidad del Desarrollo, 2015-10)
This paper studies the relation between foreign intellectual property rights affect exporting firms' productivity when industries have different technological complexity. Using simple functional forms, the dynamic model ...