Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 214
Esforço para inovação tecnológica : uma caracterização da indústria de alimentos do município de Marília/SP.
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção - PPGEP, 2007-10-02)
In the light of the entrepreneurial scenario, in which new competitiveness
patterns were established, companies have been forced to search for new manners of action in
order to survive the market. Among these forms, it is ...
Bio-based nanoemulsion formulations applicable in agriculture, medicine, and food industry
(Springer, 2019-07-05)
Nanotechnology providing “a new dimension” accompanied with new properties conferred to many current materials is widely used for production of a new generation of agrochemicals; in medicine, it enables improved drug ...
Bio-Based Nanoemulsion Formulations Applicable in Agriculture, Medicine, and Food Industry
Nanotechnology providing “a new dimension” accompanied with new properties conferred to many current materials is widely used for production of a new generation of agrochemicals; in medicine, it enables improved drug ...
Neutron activation analysis applied to nutritional and foodstuff studies
(Sao Paulo: ABEN, 2009, 2014)
Manual de diversificación de productos apícolas
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2017)
Durante cientos de años la miel ha sido utilizada por nuestros antepasados gracias a sus propiedades como antioxidante, energética, antibacteriana, entre otras (Torres, 2008). Es por ello que la miel es empleada en diferentes ...
Análisis preliminar del segmento institucional en Medellín para productos procesados a base de plátano
(Universidad EIAAdministrativa, Financiera, Sistemas y ComputaciónEnvigado (Antioquia, Colombia). Universidad EIA, 2009Ingeniería Administrativa, 2009)
Banacol is a multinational company dedicated to the production and distribution of fruits such as pineapple, plantain, yucca and chayote. Its main markets are The United States, Canada and Europe, with a commercial history ...
Changes in the industrial development of Latin America
Trade liberalization, deregulation of economic activity, the privatization of public-sector production units and much more careful management of the main macroeconomic aggregates are causing profound changes in the behaviour ...
Desenvolvimento de filmes biodegradáveis à base de zeína, caracterização das propriedades funcionais e estruturais e avaliação do uso como cobertura na conservação das características físico-químicas do queijo Minas padrão
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2015-04-09)
Due to their chemical composition, foodstuffs may undergo quality and nutritional content deterioration as a consequence of factors such as microbiological contamination, contact with other foodstuffs or chemical compounds, ...
Procesos para mantenimiento y control de calidad de alimentos en el restaurante “Pollos de la Vasija 2013
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2015)
The food quality is tinked to nutritional and culinary qualities of a food that guarantee their commercial traits and provide a highly qualified product for human consumption. Furthermore, the quality is strictly related ...
Transnationalization and integration of production in Latin America
Trade among the ALADI countries has grown with exceptional vigour so far in the 1990s, especially in the branches of metal products, machinery and equipment, chemical products, and foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco. In ...