Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1518
The utilization of the Human Thinking Representation Oriented Model (MORPH) for the establishment of a Fluvial Sensitivity Index (FSI): a proposed contribution to the Environmental Sensitivity to Oil ClassificationUtilização do Modelo Orientado à Representação do Pensamento Humano (MORPH) no estabelecimento do Índice de Sensibilidade Fluvial (ISF): uma proposta de contribuição à Classificação da Sensibilidade Ambiental ao Óleo
(Instituto de Geociências /Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2015)
The utilization of the human thinking representation oriented model (MORPH) for the establishment of a fluvial sensitivity index (FSI): A proposed contribution to the environmental sensitivity to oil classificationUtilização do modelo orientado à representação do pensamento humano (MORPH) no estabelecimento do índice de sensibilidade fluvial (ISF): Uma proposta de contribuição à classificação da sensibilidade ambiental ao óleo
This paper presents the using of the Human Thinking Representation Oriented Model (MORPH) as analysis tool as support to the creation of a classification system, that aims to determine the environmental sensitivity to oil ...
The Quaternary alluvial systems tract of the Pantanal Basin
The Pantanal Basin is an active sedimentary basin in central-west Brazil that consists of a complex alluvial systems tract characterized by the interaction between different river systems developed in one of the largest ...
Classificação orientada a objetos aplicada no mapeamento de ambientes da planície fluvial do Rio Purus, Sudoeste da Amazônia
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-01-09)
As planícies fluviais dos rios amazônicos possuem grande diversidade de habitats, denominados subambientes de várzea. Eles estruturam ecossistemas com propriedades ecológicas específicas e são muito susceptíveis aos impactos ...
(Uniao Geomorfologia Brasileira, 2019-07-01)
Fluvial morphologies related to ephemeral drainage are barely known in Brazilian geomorphological literature, where the researches about the theme has addressed different aspects of fluvial dynamics. In the riacho da Cruz ...
Fluvial and aeolian dynamics of the Santa María River in the Cafayate depression (Salta Province, NW Argentina)
(Journal Maps, 2018-09)
A geomorphological cartography of the Cafayate depression (NW Argentina) at a scale of 1:20,000 is presented. TheMain Mapwas made with satellite images from 2009 to 2016 and aerial photographs from various dates. The area ...