Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2710
Optic flow contribution to locomotion adjustments in obstacle avoidance
Locomotion generates a visual movement pattern characterized as optic flow. To explore how the locomotor adjustments are affected by this pattern, an experimental paradigm was developed to eliminate optic flow during ...
Granular flow through an aperture: Pressure and flow rate are independent
(American Physical Society, 2011-06)
We simultaneously measure the flow rate and the normal force on the base, near the outlet, during the discharge through an orifice of a dense packing of monosized disks driven by a conveyor belt. We find that the normal ...
Foam flow of oil-refrigerant R12 mixture in a small diameter tube
(Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas - ABCM, 2006-12)
This paper presents an experimental investigation of the mineral oil ISO VG10-refrigerant R12 mixture flow with foam formation in a straight horizontal 3.22 mm ID, 6.0 m long tube. An experimental apparatus was designed ...
Flow Visualization in Arteriovenous Fistula and Aneurysm Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
(IOS PRESS, 2009)
The arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is characterized by enhanced blood flow and is the most widely used vascular access for chronic haemodialysis (Sivanesan et al., 1998). A large proportion of the AVF late failures are related ...
A user-friendly interactive framework for unsteady fluid flow segmentation and visualization
Abstract: While vector fields are essential to simulate a large amount of natural phenomena, the difficulty to identify patterns and predict behaviors makes the visual segmentation in simulations an attractive and powerful ...
Modalflow: Cross-Origin Flow Data Visualization for Urban Mobility
Pervasive data have become a key source of information for mobility and transportation analyses. However, as a secondary source, it has a different methodological origin than travel survey data, usually relying on unsupervised ...
Influence of visual feedback sampling on obstacle crossing behavior in people with Parkinson's disease
The purpose of the current study was to investigate the role of visual information on gait control in people with Parkinson's disease as they crossed over obstacles. Twelve healthy individuals, and 12 patients with mild ...
Influence of visual feedback sampling on obstacle crossing behavior in people with Parkinson's disease
The purpose of the current study was to investigate the role of visual information on gait control in people with Parkinson's disease as they crossed over obstacles. Twelve healthy individuals, and 12 patients with mild ...
Optic Flow Contribution to Locomotion Adjustments in Obstacle Avoidance
(Human Kinetics Publ Inc, 2012-10-01)
Locomotion generates a visual movement pattern characterized as optic flow. To explore how the locomotor adjustments are affected by this pattern, an experimental paradigm was developed to eliminate optic flow during ...
Optic Flow Contribution to Locomotion Adjustments in Obstacle Avoidance
(Human Kinetics Publ Inc, 2012-10-01)
Locomotion generates a visual movement pattern characterized as optic flow. To explore how the locomotor adjustments are affected by this pattern, an experimental paradigm was developed to eliminate optic flow during ...