Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 128
Seed predation in a Mediterranean pasture: can ants modify the floristic composition of soil seed banks?
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2005)
Seed bank in two sites of Semideciduous Seasonal Forest in Viçosa, Minas Gerais
(Revista Árvore, 2018)
Estudo do potencial de regeneração natural: uma análise da chuva de sementes e do estrato regenerante da vegetação ciliar na bacia hidrográfica do rio Taperoá, semiárido paraibano, Brasil
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais - PPGERN, 2008-05-12)
It was aimed at to study the natural regeneration in a ciliary area of Caatinga in the basin of the river Taperoá, semi-arid paraibano. The research was accomplished in the january/2004 period the december/2006 and it ...
Caracterização do banco de sementes do solo de uma área de campo infestada por Eragrostis plana NEES
(Universidade Federal do PampaUNIPAMPABrasilCampus São Gabriel, 2019)
Avaliação do banco de sementes do solo em áreas com diferentes idades de regeneração após a extração de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex MaidenEvaluation of soil seed bank on areas with different ages of regeneration after logging Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden
(Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Secretaría de Ciencia, Técnica y Posgrado, 2017-11-01)
This study aimed to evaluate the composition and the similarity of the soil seed bank of three areas under natural regeneration, after extraction of Eucalyptus grandis in the city of Brusque, SC. Soil samples were collected ...
Canopy effects of the invasive shrub Pyracantha angustifolia on seed bank composition, richness and density in a montane shrubland (Córdoba, Argentina)
(Wiley, 2008-01)
Invasive woody species frequently change the composition of the established vegetation and the properties of the soil under their canopies. Accordingly, invasion may well affect regenerative phases of the community, ...
Spatio-temporal variation of seed rain between urban and rural fragments of humid tropical forests
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2023)
The Impact of Seed Dispersal by Black and Gold Howler Monkeys on Forest Regeneration
(Springer Tokyo, 2012-03)
In Neotropical humid forest, the majority of tree species have seeds dispersed by vertebrates. Seed deposition by vertebrates is often spatially aggregated and a low per capita survival for seeds and seedlings is predicted. ...
Transposição do banco de sementes como estratégia de restauração ecológica para floresta estacional decidual, Santa Maria, RS
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRRecursos Florestais e Engenharia FlorestalUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal, 2015-02-27)
The aim of this study was to test the transposition of the seed bank for ecological restoration of the Seasonal Deciduous Forest in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. Initially, we performed a preliminary analysis of the seed ...