Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 86
A importância dos efeitos arquiteturais no desenvolvimento das flores de Asphodelus fistulosus L. (Liliaceae)La importancia de los efectos arquitecturales en el desarrollo de las flores de Asphodelus fistulosus (Liliaceae)
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilCiências Biológicas, 2018)
Floral integration and pollinator diversity in the generalized plant-pollinator system of Alstroemeria ligtu (Alstroemeriaceae)
(Springer, 2014)
Floral integration may result from the combined effects of pollinator-mediated selection, genetic correlations and abiotic factors. Thus, by sampling a set of populations in the field and examining their variation of floral ...
Floral Quality and Inflorescence Architecture in Olea europaea 'Arauco' (La Rioja, Argentina)
(International Society for Horticultural Science, 2014-11)
Floral quality is often overlooked as being one of the key yield determinants in olive. One aspect of floral quality is the number of perfect hermaphroditic flowers with both male and female reproductive parts relative to ...
Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals novel roles of transcription factors and hormones during the flowering induction and floral bud differentiation in sweet cherry trees (Prunus avium L. Cv. Bing)
(Public Library of Science, 2020-03)
In sweet cherry trees, flowering is commercially important because the flowers, after fertilization, will generate the fruits. In P. avium, the flowering induction and flower organogensis are the first developmental steps ...
The Roles of MADS-Box Genes During Orchid Floral Development
Orchids have flowers of unique beauty that are remarkable for their zygomorphic syndrome, which can be summarized as a floral architecture based on three categories of organs at the perianth: external tepals, internal ...
Floral micromorphology of the bird-pollinated carnivorous plant species utricularia menziesii r.br. (lentibulariaceae)
• Background and Aims Bird pollination is rare among species in the genus Utricularia, and has evolved independently in two lineages of this genus. In Western Australia, the Western Spinebill, Acanthorhynchus superciliosus, ...
The systematic significance of floral morphology, nectaries, and nectar concentration in epiphytic cacti of tribes Hylocereeae and Rhipsalideae (Cactaceae)
A long-standing interest in cactus taxonomy has existed since the Linnaean generation, but an appreciation of the reproductive biology of cacti started early in the 1900s. Numerous studies indicate that plant reproductive ...
The systematic significance of floral morphology, nectaries, and nectar concentration in epiphytic cacti of tribes Hylocereeae and Rhipsalideae (Cactaceae)
A long-standing interest in cactus taxonomy has existed since the Linnaean generation, but an appreciation of the reproductive biology of cacti started early in the 1900s. Numerous studies indicate that plant reproductive ...
Flower power: its association to bee power and floral functional morphology in papilionate legumes
(Oxford University Press, 2011-12)
Background and Aims A test was made of the hypothesis that papilionate legume flowers filter pollinators according to their ability to exert strength to open flowers to access rewards. In addition, interactions with pollen ...
Flower nectar trichome structure of carnivorous plants from the genus butterworts Pinguicula L. (Lentibulariaceae)
Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) is a genus comprising around 96 species of herbaceous, carnivorous plants, which are extremely diverse in flower size, colour and spur length and structure as well as pollination strategy. In ...