Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2331
Flood risk index development at the municipal level in Costa Rica: A methodological framework
Floods constitute one of the most damaging natural hazards in the world. Seasonal and extraordinary rainfall
recurrently trigger different types of floods in Costa Rica. An integrated and efficient flood risk management
requires ...
(Univ Estadual Paulista Julio Mesquita Filho, 2016-01-01)
In Brazil can be identified several environmental issues, one of the most recurrent are the floods. This phenomenon is concentrated in urban areas, in which the urbanization process has a key role being directly related ...
The mathematical modelling of flood propagation for the delineation of flood risk zones
(IAHS Press, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX 10 8BB, UK, 2020)
Improving regional flood risk assessment using flood frequency and dendrogeomorphic analyses in mountain catchments impacted by tropical cyclones
River floods frequently occur when tropical cyclones hit land. Nonetheless, systematic, long-term discharge data
remain rather scarce in many tropical countries, which prevent proper analysis of peak discharges occurring ...
Flood Risk Assessment in Humanitarian Logistics Process Design
(Centro de Ciencias Aplicadas y Desarrollo Tecnológico, 2014)
Identifying elements at risk from openstreetmap: the case of flooding
(The Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity ParkPennsylvania, 2014-05-18)
The identification of elements at risk is an essential part in hazard risk assessment. Especially for recurring natural hazards like floods, an updated database with information about elements exposed to such hazards is ...
Perceived risk and preferences of response and recovery actions of individuals living in a floodplain community
(Elsevier Ltd, 2022-01-01)
Risk perception influences vulnerability to natural hazards in two key ways: 1) how an individual adapts to the risk, and 2) how a community responds and adjusts to these risks. Hence, risk perception plays a critical role ...
Flood risk and imprudence of planning in Extremadura, Spain
The natural risks of flooding inherent to Mediterranean climates is a well-known fact, but one difficult to gauge and rarely accurately in terms of space, quantity and degree. Fortunately, in Spain the national Cartographic ...
Flash flood impacts of Hurricane Otto and hydrometeorological risk mapping in Costa Rica
Flash floods are one of the most damaging natural hazards in tropics. Seasonal and extraordinary
rainfall recurrently trigger flash floods in Costa Rica. Hurricane Otto was the first reported hurricane
to have ever passed ...