Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 761
Does season affect fire behaviour in the Cerrado?
Fire has played an important role in the plant dynamics and diversity of the Cerrado for millions of years. We evaluated fire behaviour in different fire seasons in areas of an open savanna, providing information for fire ...
Management impacts on fire occurrence: A comparison of fire regimes of African and South American tropical savannas in different protected areas
Humans can alter fire dynamics in grassland systems by changing fire frequency, fire seasonality and fuel conditions. These changes have effects on vegetation structure and recovery, species composition, and ecosystem ...
How do the wets burn? Fire behavior and intensity in wet grasslands in the Brazilian savanna
Although wetlands are commonly managed with fire by local communities and managers in tropical savannas, little is known about fire behavior in these ecosystems. We measured fire intensity and temperature in 13 experimental ...
Drivers of fire occurrence in a mountainous Brazilian cerrado savanna: Tracking long-term fire regimes using remote sensing
Fire is a natural disturbance in savannas, and defines vegetation physiognomy and structure, often influencing species diversity. Fire activity is determined by a wide range of factors, including long and short term climatic ...
Determining response times for the deployment of terrestrial resources for fighting forest fires. A case study: Mediterranean - Chile
(PUC, 2015)
A study of response times for the arrival of terrestrial forest fire fighting resources was undertaken. The advantage of the method proposed here is that it may be exactly replicated in different countries and under different ...
A recent review of fire behavior and fire effects on native vegetation in Central Chile
(Elsevier, 2020)
Central Chile experienced a very extended and devastating fire season during 2016e17. After 3 years, here we present the results of an analysis of behavior of the wildfires occurred in that season.We used a modeling approach ...
Fire affects galling insect communities through vegetation changes in a subtropical seasonally semiarid forest
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2021-12)
Fire is one of the main factors shaping vegetation characteristics around the world, with deep and complex effects on higher levels of the food web and ecosystem functioning. Specialist insects tend to be more vulnerable ...
Fire does not change sprouting nor flowering, but affects fruiting phenology in a Neotropical savanna community
In fire-prone ecosystems, such as savannas, fire has been a common event for thousands of years. In these biomes, phenology is a functional trait characterizing the responses of plant communities to fire. In this study, ...
The year 2017: Megafires and management in the cerrado
The year 2017 was a megafire year, when huge areas burned on different continents. In Brazil, a great extension of the Cerrado burned, raising once more the discussion about the “zero-fire” policy. Indeed, most protected ...