Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1156
And after fire, the Cerrado flowers: A review of post-fire flowering in a tropical savanna
Post-fire flowering is a fire-adaptive trait that is underused in fire ecology literature to describe plant responses to fire. Most of the species described so far as having this strategy occur in mediterranean vegetation, ...
Is fire always the “bad guy”?
Much distortion about the real role of fire in different ecosystems exists, mostly because fire events attract media attention, usually focusing on the negative aspects of fire. In the perception of the general public, ...
The diversity of post-fire regeneration strategies in the cerrado ground layer
Disentangling species strategies that confer resilience to natural disturbances is key to conserving and restoring savanna ecosystems. Fire is a recurrent disturbance in savannas, and savanna vegetation is highly adapted ...
Gaps critical for the survival of exposed seeds during Cerrado fires
The fine-scale effects of fire and the consequences for seed survival are poorly understood, especially in the Cerrado (Brazilian savannas). Thus, we investigated whether vegetation gaps (bare soil patches) influence the ...
Fire Regimes, Fire Ecology, and Fire Management in Mexico
(Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2008)
Fire Regimes, Fire Ecology, and Fire Management in Mexico
(Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2008)
Fire frequency affects fire behavior in open savannas of the Cerrado
Fire is an environmental factor that helps in shaping plant communities by influencing their structure and function. Frequency is an important component of the fire regime. In tropical savannas, fire frequency is high, ...
Reconstruction of Fire History Using ‘Dry’ Sediments, An Approach for Microcharcoal Studies from the Sierras Pampeanas, NW Argentina
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-12)
A new accessible and easy method for studying past fire events using ‘dry sediments’ is presented. The method was developed for analysing samples from 17 locations in the Ambato Valley, NW Argentina, to study fire regimes ...
From ashes to understanding: Opinion papers on fire and a call for papers for a Special Issue in Flora
(Elsevier B.V., 2020-07-01)
In the recent past, wildfires have received much attention both by science and by the media, especially in relation to deforestation, degradation and climate change and when affecting fire-sensitive ecosystems. On the other ...
Assessing Fire Severity in Semiarid Environments with the DNBR and RDNBR Indices
(Global Journals, 2019)