Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2864
Relating random vector and random finite set estimation in navigation, mapping, and tracking
(IEEE Inst Electrical and Electronic Engineering Inc., 2017)
Navigation, mapping, and tracking are state estimation problems relevant to a wide range of applications. These problems have traditionally been formulated using random vectors in stochastic filtering, smoothing, or ...
Heat content estimates over sets of finite perimeter
This paper studies by means of standard analytic tools the small time behavior of the heat content over a bounded Lebesgue measurable set of finite perimeter by working with the set covariance function and by imposing ...
Heat content estimates over sets of finite perimeter
This paper studies by means of standard analytic tools the small time behavior of the heat content over a bounded Lebesgue measurable set of finite perimeter by working with the set covariance function and by imposing ...
(Universidad Católica del Norte, Departamento de Matemáticas, 2010)
p-cycles, S2-sets and Curves with Many Points.
We construct S2-sets contained in the integer interval Iq-1:= (1,q-1) with q = pn,
p a prime number and n E Z+, by using the p-adic expansion of integers. Such sets come
from considering p-cycles of length n. We give ...
Dynamics of parabolic equations via the finite element method I. Continuity of the set of equilibria
In this paper we study the dynamics of parabolic semilinear differential equations with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions via the discretization of finite element method. We provide an appropriate functional setting ...
Robust tracking of multiple soccer robots using random finite sets
(Springer, 2017)
Having a good estimation of the robot-players positions is becoming imperative to accomplish high level tasks in any RoboCup League. Classical approaches use a vector representation of the robot positions and Bayesian ...
On the strong discontinuity approach in finite deformation settings
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2003-05)
Taking the strong discontinuity approach as a framework for modelling displacement discontinuities and strain localization phenomena, this work extends previous results in innitesimal strain settings to finite deformation ...