Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 143
Uniqueness of the thermodynamic limit for driven disordered elastic interfaces
(IOP Publishing, 2013-12)
We study the finite-size fluctuations at the depinning transition for a one-dimensional elastic interface of size L displacing in a disordered medium of transverse size M = kLζ with periodic boundary conditions, where ζ ...
A new scale-invariant ratio and finite-size scaling for the stochastic susceptible-infected-recovered model
The critical behavior of the stochastic susceptible-infected-recovered model on a square lattice is obtained by numerical simulations and finite-size scaling. The order parameter as well as the distribution in the number ...
Thermal percolation for interacting monomers adsorbed on square lattices
(IOP Publishing, 2005-03)
In this paper the percolation of monomers on a square lattice is studied as the particles interact with either repulsive or attractive energies. By means of a finite-size scaling analysis, the critical exponents and the ...
Shared information in stationary states at criticality
We consider bipartitions of one-dimensional extended systems whose probability distribution functions describe stationary states of stochastic models. We define estimators of the information shared between the two subsystems. ...
Nonequilibrium critical behavior of magnetic thin films grown in a temperature gradient
(IOP Publishing, 2012-08)
We investigate the irreversible growth of (2+1)-dimensional magnetic thin films under the influence of a transverse temperature gradient, which is maintained by thermal baths across a direction perpendicular to the direction ...
From conformal invariance to quasistationary states
(Institute of Physics - IOPBristol, 2011-09)
In a conformal invariant one-dimensional stochastic model, a certain nonlocal perturbation takes the system to a new massless phase of a special kind. The ground-state of the system is an adsorptive state. Part of the ...
Size effects in finite systems with long-range interactions
(American Physical Society, 2018-03)
Small systems consisting of particles interacting with long-range potentials exhibit enormous size effects. The Tsallis conjecture [Tsallis, Fractals 3, 541 (1995)], valid for translationally invariant systems with long-range ...
Jamming and percolation of k 2-mers on simple cubic lattices
(IOP Publishing, 2019-10)
Jamming and percolation of square objects of size k × k (k2-mers) isotropically deposited on simple cubic lattices have been studied bynumerical simulations complemented with finite-size scaling theory. The k2-mers were ...
Jamming and percolation in random sequential adsorption of straight rigid rods on a two-dimensional triangular lattice
(IOP Publishing, 2017-07-18)
Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling analysis have been performed to study the jamming and percolation behavior of linear k-mers (also known as rods or needles) on a two-dimensional triangular lattice of linear ...
Inverse percolation by removing straight rigid rods from square lattices in the presence of impurities
(IOP Publishing, 2019-03-15)
Numerical simulations and finite-size scaling analysis have been carried out to study the problem of inverse percolation by removing straight rigid rods from square lattices contaminated with non-conducting impurities. The ...