Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1049
Fiction film for Information Science: a study on thematic organization and representation approaches
(Univ Federal Santa Catarina, 2019-01-01)
The audiovisual document is a material that integrates the image in movement and the sound in its essence, and it is contacted that this type of documentary is increasingly present in the interpersonal relations and, ...
Cinema Tocado: Tempo de Violência
(Diretoria de Editoração, Comunicação Institucional e Produção Audiovisual (DECAV)UFS, 2019)
Imagining Afghanistan : global fiction and film of the 9/11 wars
When photojournalist Lynsey Addario came back home to New York
City in 2000, having traveled to Afghanistan still under the rule of the
Taliban, she had trouble finding a venue for her photographs. She writes:
“For a ...
Som e música da ficção científica em quatro obras do cinema brasileiro
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Imagem e Som - PPGISCâmpus São Carlos, 2020-04-30)
This research aims to analyze the role played by sound and music in the filmic discourse of four Brazilian works evaluating their connections to the science fiction universe and paying special attention to the Brazilian ...
Mujer cinematográfica: una mirada desde la dirección.
La visibilización de la mujer como directora en el cine nacional ha sido un tema poco investigado en nuestro país, así mismo es notorio que son pocas las mujeres directoras de cine en Colombia, por ello a lo largo de este ...
Interacción, realidad y control: la tecnología y su alcance en Her, Black Mirror y Blade Runner
(Universidad de LimaPerú, 2018)
Aparte de generar mundos fascinantes, complejos y en ocasiones terroríficos, el campo de la ciencia ficción ha sido usado para plantear inquietudes sobre la condición humana, su presente y, sobre todo, su futuro. Hoy en ...