Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12
Accessory Tendon and Tripartite Insertion Pattern of Fibularis Longus Muscle: A Case Report
(Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía, 2006)
Anatomical Study of the Fibularis Longus Muscle Motor Points and Electrical Stimulation Therapy Application
(Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía, 2009)
Comparative structural analysis of neuromuscular junctions in mice at different ages
The authors studied the histochemical and ultrastructural modifications that occur in the neuromuscular junctions (NMJ) of fibularis longus muscles of mice with an age range of 3 to 21 months. Twenty-four male and female ...
Comparative structural analysis of neuromuscular junctions in mice at different ages
The authors studied the histochemical and ultrastructural modifications that occur in the neuromuscular junctions (NMJ) of fibularis longus muscles of mice with an age range of 3 to 21 months. Twenty-four male and female ...
The hindlimb myology of Milvago chimango (Polyborinae, Falconidae)
(Wiley, 2013-06)
We describe the hindlimb myology of Milvago chimango. This member of the Falconidae: Polyborinae is a generalist and opportunist that can jump and run down prey on the ground, unlike Falconinae that hunt birds in flight ...
Hindlimb Myology of the Monk Parakeet (Aves, Psittaciformes)
(Wiley-liss, Div John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2014)
Efectos de un protocolo de calentamiento neuromuscular de 4 semanas, en el tiempo de activación de la musculatura fibular y tibial anterior de tobillo dominante y el equilibrio dinámico en la selección de varones de la rama de voleibol de la Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello
(Universidad Andrés Bello, 2014)
La mayoría de las lesiones en el Voleibol están asociadas al momento de
aterrizar del salto, produciéndose lesiones por inversión del tobillo. Se ha observado
que luego de programas de entrenamiento neuromuscular para ...
Efeito de um treinamento de FNP sobre variáveis biomecânicas em idosos caidores
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2008-12-18)
O principal objetivo dessa Dissertação foi avaliar o desempenho em contrações isométricas de flexo-extensão do joelho e o padrão da marcha em indivíduos idosos com potencial para sofrerem quedas e avaliar o efeito de um ...