Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 546
Femoral neck fracture without associated trauma following consolidation of a transtrochanteric fracture is a rare event. The authors report a case of transtrochanteric fracture that was treated with PFN and which presented ...
The clinical characteristics of patients with hip fractures in typical locations and atypical femoral fractures.
(Springer, 2014)
The pathophysiology of atypical fractures is unknown. We compared characteristics of patients with atypical femoral fractures and hip fractures in typical locations of the femur. Patients with atypical fracture reported a ...
The clinical characteristics of patients with hip fractures in typical locations and atypical femoral fractures.
(Springer, 2014)
The pathophysiology of atypical fractures is unknown. We compared characteristics of patients with atypical femoral fractures and hip fractures in typical locations of the femur. Patients with atypical fracture reported a ...
Fratura espontânea do colo do fêmur após retirada de PFN
(Atha Comunicação & Editora, 2009)
A fratura do colo femoral, sem trauma associado, após a consolidação da fratura transtrocantérica é um evento raro. Os autores relatam um caso de fratura transtrocantérica tratada com PFN, que duas semanas após a retirada ...
Tratamiento fisioterapéutico en fracturas abiertas de diáfisis femoral
Las fracturas abiertas de diáfisis femoral son generalmente causadas por traumatismos de alta energía a consecuencia de accidentes de tránsito, traumas deportivos, accidentes en el trabajo o heridas por arma de fuego, con ...
Prospective and randomized study of patients with open fractures of the femoral shaft, treated with plate or open intramedullary locked nail
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, 2008)
Family participation to elderly rehabilitation with femoral fracture
(Assoc Brasileira Enfermagem, 2015-09-01)
Objective: verify if the mode of care adopted by caregivers favored functional independence recovery by elderly with and without the presence of nervous system disease and mental and behavioral disorders; and, if disease ...
Estudo mecânico in vitro da resistência a forças axiais dos parafusos canulado e convencional de 3,5 mm de diâmetro em fraturas de cabeça e colo femoral
(Porto Alegre, 2014-04-11)
Background: Proximal femoral fractures account for 25% of all femoral fractures in dogs and are more common in young animals. Osteosynthesis of femoral head and neck fractures is a complex procedure that can be performed ...
Fracturas de alta energía en cuello y diáfisis femoral ipsilaterales: revisión sistemática de alcance 2019-2020
Isolated femoral neck or shaft fractures are epidemiologically different in certain aspects. Ipsilateral neck and femoral shaft fracturas are due to unique and high energy trauma having vertical o basicervical fractures ...
Capital femoral physeal dysplasia in cats submited to ostectomy of the femoral head and neckDisplasia femoral capital em felinos submetidos a ostectomia da cabeça e colo femoral
This report described pathological fracture of the femoral head (physeal dysplasia) in four male cats (three mixed breed and one Bengal), with an average age of 16 months, treated by an ostectomy of the femoral head and ...