Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 50
States of stress and slip partitioning in a continental scale strike-slip duplex: tectonic and magmatic implications by means of finite element modeling
(Elsevier, 2017)
Orogenic belts at oblique convergent subduction margins accommodate deformation in several trench parallel domains, one of which is the magmatic arc, commonly regarded as taking up the margin-parallel, strike-slip component. ...
Spatial and temporal volcanotectonic evolution of Santorini volcano, Greece
Volcanic and tectonic activities in the Aegean region have controlled the evolution of Santorini volcano, including changes in the shape and size of the island through time. Previous studies associate much of the island’s ...
Volcano-tectonic interactions at Sabancaya volcano, Peru: eruptions, magmatic inflation, moderate earthquakes, and fault creep
(American Geophysical UnionUS, 2020-05)
We present evidence of volcano-tectonic interactions at Sabancaya volcano that we relate to episodic magma injection and high regional fluid pore pressures. We present a surface deformation time series at Sabancaya including ...
The temporal and spatial relationship between strike-slip and reverse faulting in subduction-related orogenic system: Insights from the Western slope of the Puna Plateau
(ElsevierNL, 2023-07)
The relationship between parallel and oblique to the orogen faults and the magmatic evolution is key to understanding the evolution of a hot orogen, such as the Central Andes. The Andean orogenesis along the southern Central ...
Dilatation and shearing in tectono-volcanic systems from poro-elasto-plastic models set in the Southern Andes Volcanic Zone context, inferences on geofluid flow
Geothermal fields near volcanic complexes and active crustal-scale fault zones require an understanding of the mechanical interactions that control variations in pore fluid pressure at a crustal scale. Crustal faults can ...
Localised heating and intensive magmatic conditions prior to the 22–23 April 2015 Calbuco volcano eruption (Southern Chile)
(Springer Verlag, 2019)
Calbuco volcano is a Late Pleistocene composite stratovolcano and member of the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Chilean Andes (41°19′S, 72°36′W). It lies ~ 20 km west of the Liquiñe–Ofqui Fault Zone, but is not located ...
Thermal fluid circulation around the Karliova triple junction: Geochemical features and volcano-tectonic implications (Eastern Turkey)
The Karlıova triple junction (KTJ) in eastern Turkey has been subjected to incremental deformation resulting in complex kinematic and mechanical interactions throughout the upper crust. These interactions have generated ...
Estructura de velocidades del Complejo Volcánico Nevado del Huila, Colombia, mediante tomografía sísmica local
En el presente trabajo se expone el primer modelo de velocidades 3D para el Complejo Volcánico Nevado del Huila (CVNH). Este volcán no había mostrado registros previos de actividad eruptiva antes de las erupciones freáticas ...
Development of symmetrical and asymmetrical fabrics in sheet-like igneous bodies: the role of magma flow and wall-rock displacements in theoretical and natural cases
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2001)