Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 103
Faraday waves in quasi-one-dimensional superfluid Fermi-Bose mixtures
The generation of Faraday waves in superfluid Fermi-Bose mixtures in elongated traps is investigated. The generation of waves is achieved by periodically changing a parameter of the system in time. Two types of modulations ...
Faraday waves in quasi-one-dimensional superfluid Fermi-Bose mixtures
The generation of Faraday waves in superfluid Fermi-Bose mixtures in elongated traps is investigated. The generation of waves is achieved by periodically changing a parameter of the system in time. Two types of modulations ...
Experimentos sobre la formación de ondas de Faraday: comparación con resultados teóricos
En esta tesis se presentan resultados experimentales del fenómeno conocido como ondas de Faraday. Estas ondas pueden producirse cuando una capa de líquido contenida dentro de un recipiente es sometida a una oscilación ...
Streaming patterns in Faraday waves
(Cambridge University, 2017)
Waves patterns in the Faraday instability have been studied for decades. Besides therich dynamics that can be observed on the waves at the interface, Faraday waves hidebeneath them an elusive range of flow patterns —or ...
Elastic effects of an insoluble surfactant on the onset of two-dimensional Faraday waves. A numerical experiment
(Cambridge University Press, 2005-12)
The elastic effects of an insoluble surfactant on the formation and evolution of twodimensional Faraday waves is investigated numerically. We analyse the influence of the elasticity of the surface-active agent on the ...
Influence of surface viscosity on two-dimensional Faraday waves
(American Chemical Society, 2005-12)
The onset for the formation of two-dimensional Faraday waves in a liquid with a viscous surface is numerically studied. The viscous behavior of the interface due to the presence of an insoluble surfactant, affects the ...
Onset of Faraday waves in a liquid layer covered with a surfactant with elastic and viscous properties
(American Chemical Society, 2007-12)
In this work, we analyze the formation of Faraday waves on the free surface of a liquid layer covered by an insoluble surfactant. The linear analysis that is conducted includes the effects of both surface elasticity and ...
Faraday waves and droplets in quasi-one-dimensional Bose gas mixtures
Faraday waves in mixtures of Bose gases are studied by taking into account quantum fluctuations beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii mean-field formalism with the Lee-Huang-Yang term. For that, a Bose-Einstein condensed binary ...