Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5775
Powers of the civil judge: some considerations regarding the family judgePODERES DEL JUEZ CIVIL: ALGUNAS CONSIDERACIONES A PROPÓSITO DEL JUEZ DE FAMILIA
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales., 2007)
A new compounding family of distributions: the generalized gamma power series distributions
(Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2022)
Mulher chefe de família, na cidade de Aracaju:dominação e poder
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências SociaisDesenvolvimento Regional; Cultura e Representações, 2010-06-14)
The research was focada in the feminine head of family, the City of Aracaju and its impacts in the nuclear familiar nucleus. Considering that, the papers of the men are in general, not valued and rewarded that the papers ...
Founding-family-controlled firms, intergenerational succession, and firm value
(Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2022)
Reparação por dano moral ao filho decorrente do abandono paterno-filial
Possibilidade dos genitores responderem civilmente diante do abandono afetivo praticado em desfavor dos filhos. Apresentação das posições controversas da doutrina e da jurisprudência acerca do tema. Análise dos desdobramentos ...
Local power of some tests in exponential family nonlinear models
In this paper we obtain asymptotic expansions up to order n(-1/2) for the nonnull distribution functions of the likelihood ratio, Wald, score and gradient test statistics in exponential family nonlinear models (Cordeiro ...
Eigenvalue decay of integral operators generated by power series-like kernels
(ElementZagreb, 2014)
We deduce decay rates for eigenvalues of integral operators generated by power series-like kernels on a subset X of either 'R POT.Q' or 'C POT.Q'. A power series-like kernel is a Mercer kernel having a series expansion ...
On Bivariate Exponentiated Extended Weibull Family of DistributionsON BIVARIATE EXPONENTIATED EXTENDED WEIBULL FAMILY OF DISTRIBUTIONS
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2016)
Political power from elite family networks in colonial Buenos Aires
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019)
The aim of this chapter is to show the relationship between the nominations for seats in the Cabildo of Buenos Aires between 1776 and 1810 and the network status of councilmen and their families. To this end, we test ...