Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4836
The quality of rural family life: Institucional strategies in Latin América.
(IICA, 1981)
In planning and organizing this workshop, our hopes were thet through open discussion on the quality of the rural family life, rural woman and isntitutional constraints to their growth, new insights could be formulated. ...
Contributions of Matrilineal and Patrilineal Kin Alloparental Effort to the Development of Life History Strategies and Patriarchal Values: A Cross-Cultural Life History Approach
Childrearing behaviors are often shaped by familial and cultural principles that function as guides for socialization goals and effective childrearing practices. For an increasing number of Latino families, the extended ...
Of Bullies and Bullying
(Daily Express, 2003-06)
This article discusses the problem of bullying in schools in Trinidad and Tobago. It attempts to show how Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) policy can be translated into action within a supportive and safe school ...
Shared Parenting, Parental Effort, and Life History Strategy: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
Previous developmental research has found that children from households with high shared parenting, childrearing agreement, and equitable division of parental labor experience positive developmental and social outcomes; a ...
Wellbeing of Transnational Muslim Families : Marriage, Law and Gender
This book examines the needs, aspirations, strategies, and challenges of transnational Muslim migrants in Europe with regard to family practices such as marriage, divorce, and parenting. Critically re-conceptualizing ...
Estratégias familiares e sustentabilidade econômica em assentamento rural
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Rural - PPGADR-Ar, 2010-08-25)
The economic sustainability of family farms is a major factor in promoting sustainable development in areas of rural settlements. Thus, this study sought to identify systemic approach through what are the strategies of the ...