Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 394
Anisotropy of the effective Lande factor in AlxGa1-x As parabolic quantum wells under applied magnetic fields
(Elsevier B.V., 2010-11-01)
The anisotropy of the effective Lande factor in Al(x)Gal(1-x)As parabolic quantum wells under magnetic fields is theoretically investigated. The non-parabolicity and anisotropy of the conduction band are taken into account ...
Anisotropy of the effective Lande factor in AlxGa1-x As parabolic quantum wells under applied magnetic fields
(Elsevier B.V., 2010-11-01)
The anisotropy of the effective Lande factor in Al(x)Gal(1-x)As parabolic quantum wells under magnetic fields is theoretically investigated. The non-parabolicity and anisotropy of the conduction band are taken into account ...
Q -anisotropy in finely-layered media
(American Geophysical Union, 2010-03)
Finely-layered media behaves as a transversely isotropic medium at long wavelengths. If the constituent media are anelastic, Q-anisotropy is described by Postma averaging for two periodic layers and by Backus averaging for ...
Anisotropias magnéticas em filmes finos de Co: uma análise por magnetometria de torque
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRFísicaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Física, 2010-12-03)
By studying the magnetic behavior of materials a very important parameter to be analyzed are the constants of anisotropy. They can be associated with an effective anisotropy energy or to a more specific one as, for example, ...
Single spin resonance driven by electric modulation of the g-factor anisotropy
(American Physical Society, 2019-12)
We address the problem of electronic and nuclear spin resonance of an individual atom on a surface driven by a scanning tunneling microscope. Several mechanisms have been proposed so far, some of them based on the modulation ...
Surface anisotropy in a magnetic cylinder induced by the displacement of a vortex core
In this article we investigate the induction of a surface anisotropy due to the displacement of the vortex core in a cylindrical nanostructure. In fact, the effect of the displacement of the vortex core in the dipolar ...
A study on the effects of viewing angle variation in sugarcane radiometric measuresEstudo do efeito da variação no ângulo de visada em medidas radiométricas na cana-de-açúcar
Remote Sensing techniques, such as field spectroscopy provide information with a large level of detail about spectral characteristics of plants enabling the monitoring of crops. The aim of this study is to analyze the ...
Comparison between Lebaron-Perez and Dal Pai-Escobedo correction methods for diffuse irradiance measured by the meo shadowring method
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of two methods of correction of diffuse irradiance measured with shadowbands: LeBaron-Perez method and Dal Pai-Escobedo method. For the LeBaron-Perez method, we use the original ...