Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 330
Why is the dual descriptor a more accurate local reactivity descriptor than Fukui functions?
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2014)
Comparison among four different ways to condense the Fukui function
Four different ways to condense the Fukui function are compared. Three of them perform a numerical integration over different basins to define the condensed Fukui function, and the other one is the most traditional Fukui ...
Is the fukui function a right descriptor of hard-hard interactions?
(Journal of Physis Chemical A 2004, 108, 2487-2491, 2004)
In pursuit of negative Fukui functions: Molecules with very small band gaps
(Springer Verlag, 2014)
A justification for the likely presence of negative Fukui functions in molecules with small band gaps is given, and a computational study performed to check whether molecules with small band gaps have negative Fukui functions ...
Atom and Bond Fukui Functions and Matrices: A Hirshfeld-I Atoms-in-Molecule Approach
(Wiley VCH Verlag, 2016-09)
The Fukui function is often used in its atom-condensed form by isolating it from the molecular Fukui function using a chosen weight function for the atom in the molecule. Recently, Fukui functions and matrices for both ...
The Fukui Potential and the Capacity of Charge and the Global Hardness of Atoms
(AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2011-02-25)
In the course of a reaction it is the shape of the Fukui potential that guides a
distant reagent toward the site where an electrophile/nucleophile is willing to accept/
donate charge. In this paper we explore the ...
Structure of Fukui matrices
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2017-11)
Fukui matrices considered as the generalization of the concept of Fukui densities are decomposed into their pairing and unpairing contributions within the theory of the reduced density matrices. Their algebraic structure ...
How to Compute the Fukui Matrix and Function for Systems with (Quasi-)Degenerate States
(ACS, 2013)
A system in a spatially (quasi-)degenerate
ground state responds in a qualitatively different way to a
change in the external potential. Consequently, the usual
method for computing the Fukui function, namely, taking ...
How to Compute the Fukui Matrix and Function for Systems with (Quasi-)Degenerate States
(American Chemical Society, 2014)
A system in a spatially (quasi-)degenerate
ground state responds in a qualitatively different way to a
change in the external potential. Consequently, the usual
method for computing the Fukui function, namely, taking ...
Topological Analysis of the Fukui Function
In this work an alternative to the analysis of the Fukui function will be presented and
compared with the traditional condensed function. The topological analysis allows us to define
basins corresponding to different ...