Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 21282
Climatologia de frentes frias no litoral de Santa Catarina
A climatology of cold fronts at the coast of State do Santa Catarina, Brazil, is established based on 10-year period (1990-1999) of NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data. The cold front passages were objectively identified taking into ...
Light Front Boson Model Propagation
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2011-06-01)
The scope and aim of this work is to describe the two-body interaction mediated by a particle (either the scalar or the gauge boson) within the light-front formulation. To do this, first of all we point out the importance ...
Light Front Boson Model Propagation
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2011-06-01)
The scope and aim of this work is to describe the two-body interaction mediated by a particle (either the scalar or the gauge boson) within the light-front formulation. To do this, first of all we point out the importance ...
Wind modulation of upwelling at the shelf-break front off Patagonia: Observational evidence
(American Geophysical Union, 2017-03)
The South-Atlantic Patagonian shelf is the largest chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) hot spot in Southern Ocean color images. While a persistent 1500 km long band of high Chl-a along the shelf-break front (SBF) is indicative of ...
Algunas consideraciones prácticas sobre la problemática del fronting
El presente trabajo analiza al fronting como operatoria habitual del mercado de reaseguros desde la perspectiva práctica como jurídica. El fronting presenta ventajas para las partes que participan de él, permitiendo impulsar ...
Algunas consideraciones prácticas sobre la problemática del fronting
El presente trabajo analiza al fronting como operatoria habitual del mercado de reaseguros desde la perspectiva práctica como jurídica. El fronting presenta ventajas para las partes que participan de él, permitiendo impulsar ...
Zapf Office System
Planos copia de: Assembly pedestal bill of material - Case assemblies for pedestals - Panel sides & back for pedestals - Channel support for pedestals - Channel front vertical 5.703 H. for single box drawer ZS IBOF - Zee ...
La existencia de un frente frío de tipo laminar
Se señala la existencia de un tipo especial de frente frío seÍún su estructura vertical, donde se advierte que las distancias del eje de a onda u hondonada con relación al frente en superficie y el valor de los ángulos de ...
Computational aspects of harmonic wavelet Galerkin methods and an application to a precipitation front propagation model
This article is dedicated to harmonic wavelet Galerkin methods for the solution of partial differential equations. Several variants of the method are proposed and analyzed, using the Burgers equation as a test model. The ...
The Epstein-Glaser causal approach to the light-front QED(4). I: Free theory
(Elsevier B.V., 2014-12-01)
In this work we present the study of light-front field theories in the realm of the axiomatic theory. It is known that when one uses the light-cone gauge pathological poles (k(+))(-n) arises, demanding a prescription to ...