Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 763
OpenIPMC: A Free and Open-Source Intelligent Platform Management Controller Software
OpenIPMC is a free and open-source software designed to implement the logic of an intelligent platform management controller (IPMC). An IPMC is a fundamental component of electronic boards conformant to the advanced ...
Illustration of uncertanties in measurements by using free fall experiments
(Soc Brasileira FisicaSao PauloBrasil, 2013)
Study of recycling printed circuit boards: alternative methods to attach components in printed circuit boards
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín, 2014-08-26)
Printed circuit boards (PCB), which form the basis of the electronics industry, generate wastes that are difficult to dispose of and recycle due to the diversity of their materials and components and their difficult ...
Governança corporativa e a relação com desempenho e o valor das empresas brasileiras
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2012-05-17)
Corporate governance can be understood as a set of incentive and controls mechanisms, internal and external, which aim to minimize the costs of the problems arising from the agency. The issue is important because it is ...
Governança corporativa e a relação com desempenho e o valor das empresas brasileiras
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2012-05-17)
Corporate governance can be understood as a set of incentive and controls mechanisms, internal and external, which aim to minimize the costs of the problems arising from the agency. The issue is important because it is ...
Handbook for the CIMMYT board of trustees
(CIMMYT, 2016)
Régimen legal del comercio exterior
(Universidad de Belgrano - Fascículos - Carrera de Licenciatura en Economía, 2013)
Un país no puede abastecerse totalmente, teniendo la necesidad de comprar
y vender, en los términos de Comercio Internacional, de importar y exportar.
La correcta filosofía del manejo del Comercio Internacional de cada ...
Estrategias para la determinación del precio de venta en una empresa importadora de prendas de vestir, Lima 2018
(Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, 2019-12-20)
La determinación del precio, perennemente es un problema para los empresarios que inician una actividad económica, la empresa en investigación no es indiferente a este problema. El objetivo de la investigación es proponer ...
La Junta Cantonal de Protección de Derechos del cantón El Pan y la propuesta de un manual de procedimiento administrativo
The present research studies the structure of the administrative and operative organization, with which the cantonal board of rights protection works based on the specific tasks and management that the canton of El Pan ...
Composite materials from totora (Schoenoplectus californicus. C.A. Mey, Sojak): Is it worth it?
Totora (Schoenoplectus californicus. C.A. Mey, Sojak) is an annual-cycled macrophyte from the Cyperaceae family
that has been used by indigenous people of the Americas for more than 500 years to produce a wide range ...