Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 20
Interactions between fluvial dynamics and scarp retreat in the Central Ebro Basin during MCA and LIA periods: Palaeogeographical and geoarchaeological reconstruction
(Elsevier Science, 2021-04)
The scarp of Remolinos-Juslibol is an abrupt relief formed by Miocene gypsums located on the left bank of the Ebro River, in the vicinity of the city of Zaragoza. This work provides data for the reconstruction of the channel ...
Comportamiento morfológico, hidráulico y sedimentológico del sistema cauce principal (Paraná) y secundario (Colastiné)
In anabraching systems like the Paraná in its middle reach, characteristic geomorphological structures are secondary channels, which play a key role in the filling of the floodplain dynamics. They also link the mean channel ...
The Folding Unit of Phosphofructokinase-2 as Defined by the Biophysical Properties of a Monomeric Mutant
Escherichia coli phosphofructokinase-2 (Pfk-2) is an obligate homodimer that follows a highly cooperative threestate folding mechanism N-2 <-> 2I <-> 2U. The strong coupling between dissociation and unfolding is a consequence ...
Diving classification and behavior of free-ranging female southern elephant seals based on threedimensional movements and video-recorded observations
(Inter-Research, 2019-06-18)
The goal of this study was to classify dives of free-ranging female southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina from Península Valdés, Argentina, during their 2 mo post-breeding migration. Classifications were based on ...
Comportamiento morfológico, hidráulico y sedimentológico del sistema cauce principal (Paraná) y secundario (Colastiné)
Los cauces secundarios, característicos de un sistema multicanalizado como el Paraná en su tramo medio, juegan un rol clave en la dinámica de relleno de la planicie aluvial y vinculan el cauce principal con los asentamientos ...
Integral Sport
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado Cultura Física, Deporte y RecreaciónFacultad de Cultura Física, Deporte y Recreación, 2018)
The Municipality of San Luis de Palenque, Casanare, was founded on August 15, 1953, on the right bank of the Pauto river, on a meander, at the site known as Barrancopelao or Barrancón. Later it was erected as a Municipality, ...
Avaliação da diversidade de macrófitas aquáticas do rio Paraguai, entre a cidade de Cáceres e Estação Ecológica de Taiamã, Pantanal Mato-Grossense, Brasil
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais - PPGERN, 2010-07-02)
The Paraguay River, show spatial and temporal heterogeneity, due it had many secondary channels, oxbow lakes, baías, corixos floodplains, due to the Flood Pulse. Therefore these sets of factors are important for the ...
Evidencias morfotectónicas en el sistema de fallas Magallanes-Fagnano, borde transformante entre las placas Sudamericana y Scotia, Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, ArgentinaMorphotectonic evidences of the Magallanes-Fagnano Fault System, transform plate boundary between South American and Scotia plates, Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
(Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2019-10)
En este trabajo se presentan y analizan las numerosas evidencias morfotectónicas identificadas a lo largo de la traza del Sistema de Fallas Magallanes-Fagnano, tales como escarpas de falla que alternan su cara libre al ...
The' technology' of' RFID' systems' are' frequently' used' in' the' objects'
identification,' control' and' tracking.' These' systems' are' formed' by' a' reader,' the'
propagation' media' (the' free' space)' and' a' ...