Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 350
A breath of fresh air in foraging theory: The importance of wind for food size selection in a central-place forager
(University of Chicago Press, 2017-09)
Empirical data about food size carried by central-place foragers do not often fit with the optimum predicted by classical foraging theory. Traditionally, biotic constraints such as predation risk and competition have been ...
Stomach fullness modulates prey size choice in the frillfin goby, Bathygobius soporator
(Elsevier Gmbh, Urban & Fischer Verlag, 2012-10-01)
Behaviours related to foraging and feeding in predator-prey systems are fundamental to our understanding of food webs. From the perspective of a predator, the selection of prey size depends upon a number of factors including ...
Foraging behaviour by an intraguild predator blowfly, Chrysomya albiceps (Diptera : Calliphoridae)
(Springer, 2007-09-01)
Optimal foraging theory assumes that predators use different prey types to maximize their rate of energetic gain. Studies focusing on prey preference are important sources of information to understand the foraging dynamics ...
Diet of adults and cubs of Lycalopex gymnocercus in Pampas grassland: A validation of the Optimal Foraging Theory?
(Finnish Zoological Botanical Publishing Board, 2011-08)
We compared the diet of adult Pampas foxes (Lycalopex gymnocercus) and their cubs in a Pampas grassland area of Argentina by analysing 152 scats (adults: 92, cubs: 60). We used an Index of Relative Importance (IRI) to ...
Seasonal diet of vicuñas in the Los Andes protected area (Salta, Argentina): Are they optimal foragers?
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2010-04)
Optimal foraging theory states that individuals focus on the most profitable items when resources are abundant, and expand their diet when food availability decreases. In polygynous ungulates, territoriality and reproduction ...
Network analysis reveals contrasting effects of intraspecific competition on individual vs. population diets
(Ecological Soc AmerWashingtonEUA, 2008)
Stomach fullness modulates prey size choice in the frillfin goby, Bathygobius soporator
(Elsevier Gmbh, Urban & Fischer Verlag, 2012-10-01)
Behaviours related to foraging and feeding in predator-prey systems are fundamental to our understanding of food webs. From the perspective of a predator, the selection of prey size depends upon a number of factors including ...
On optimal use of a patchy environment: archaeobotany in the Argentinean Andes (Argentina)
(Elsevier, 2014-12)
In this paper, optimal foraging theory is used to interpret wild plant collecting behaviors using experimental data and remains recovered from eleven archaeological sites in the Argentine Andes. Using simple techniques ...
Patch Choice, Landscape Ecology, and Foraging Efficiency: The Zooarchaeology of Late Holocene Foragers in Western Argentina
(Society of Ethnobiology, 2015-05)
Different but complementary foraging adaptations existed in the Payunia volcanic and the Andean highland (or mountain) subregions of southern Mendoza, Argentina during the late Holocene. We employ an evolutionary ecological ...