Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 152
Transport of chemical species dissolved in fluvial waters of a small catchment forested with eucalyptus in Angatuba, São PauloTRANSPORTE DE ESPÉCIES QUÍMICAS DISSOLVIDAS EM ÁGUAS FLUVIAIS DE UMA MICROBACIA COM EUCALIPTOS EM ANGATUBA, SÃO PAULO
(Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2009)
Hydrobiogeochemical fluxes and its relation to land use changes at small catchments in the Marapanim River Basin, Pará state, Brazil.
(In: International SWAT Conference, 2014, Porto de Galinhas. Book of Abstracts... Porto de Galinhas: USDA Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), 2014., 2014)
Geomorphology of the Guacimal River catchment, Costa Rica
The Guacimal River catchment has an area of 181 km2 and is located in the NW of Costa Rica, between the coordi-nates 84.745° W-10.016° N and 84.909° W-10.325° N. In this territory, as in most of the country, detailed ...
How do hydrometeorological storm event variables influence the concentration-discharge hysteresis during events in a páramo ecosystem?
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2022-07-14)
Hydrometeorological factors are identified as the main triggering factors of the stream
chemistry variability. Proper identification of these factors will provide a deep look into
catchments functioning. In this context, ...
Geomorphology, land use, and environmental impacts in a densely populated urban catchment of Costa Rica
The Torres River is one of the most urbanized catchments in Costa Rica, with only 46.67 km2 and approximately 50% of its area have urban land uses comprising nearly 13% of the national population. The quick rural-urban ...
The Quaternary alluvial systems tract of the Pantanal Basin
The Pantanal Basin is an active sedimentary basin in central-west Brazil that consists of a complex alluvial systems tract characterized by the interaction between different river systems developed in one of the largest ...
Dinâmica fluvial e regime hidrológico na bacia hidrográfica do rio Paranapanema
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011-04-11)
Os regimes de vazões dos rios correspondem a um importante indicador para a compreensão e estabelecimento da disponibilidade hídrica de uma bacia e para a manutenção da integridade ecológica. Em decorrência, seu monitoramento ...
Dinâmica fluvial e regime hidrológico na bacia hidrográfica do rio Paranapanema
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011-04-11)
Os regimes de vazões dos rios correspondem a um importante indicador para a compreensão e estabelecimento da disponibilidade hídrica de uma bacia e para a manutenção da integridade ecológica. Em decorrência, seu monitoramento ...
Erosion after an extreme storm event in an arid fluvial system of the southern Atacama Desert: an assessment of the magnitude, return time, and conditioning factors of erosion and debris flow generation
(Copernicus Gesellschaft MBH, 2020)
The contribution of an individual extreme storm event to long-term erosion rates has been estimated for the first time in the Atacama Desert. A mean erosion of 1.3 mm has been calculated for the March 2015 event that ...
Tributary-junction alluvial fan response to an ENSO rainfall event in the El Huasco watershed, northern Chile
(Sage, 2020)
Tributary-junction alluvial fans situated at the intersection of confined valleys with <100 km(2) tributary catchments are of special interest to evaluate the heterogeneous consequences of extreme rainfall events in arid ...