Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1181
Mapping histories and archiving ephemeral landscapes: strategies and challenges for researching small film festivals
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)
Film festivals have had a strong impact on small cinemas, contributing to the dynamic trends of national fields of film production. Drawing on research experience of mapping Chilean film festivals for the first time, this ...
A rede internacional de Festivais e a atuação do Festival do Rio: a circulação do longa metragem nacional vencedor do Troféu Redentor de Melhor Filme (2006-2019)
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Imagem e Som - PPGISCâmpus São Carlos, 2021-11-12)
In Brazil, film festivals have been spaces for the circulation of films for at least fifty years. At the same time that they appear relatively autonomous to other national film circulation windows, they also constitute ...
FIDOCS y la formación de un campo de cine documental en Chile en la década de 1990
(Cine Documental, 2018)
This article focuses on the role of the International Documentary Film Festival of Santiago FIDOCS in renovating the Chilean documentary field over the last twenty years. After the return of democracy to Chile, various ...
Festivales de cine en Bogotá : análisis de una oferta audiovisual alternativa
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2020-02-19)
El trabajo se orientó bajo el objetivo principal de analizar los festivales de cine en Bogotá como sector que representa a la exhibición alternativa en la ciudad. De ahí se desprenden tres objetivos específicos que buscan ...
Educating Movies, Pt. 2
(Daily Express, 2005)
The second part of this article identifies available sources in Trinidad and Tobago of similar films to those shown at the 2005 edition of the European Film Festival held at Movie Towne, Trinidad. It also identifies some ...
Educating Movies, Pt. 1
(Daily Express, 2005)
This article reviews the 2005 edition of the European Film Festival held at Movie Towne, Trinidad. It notes that all the films shown had educational significance but that, unfortunately, many students were not able to see ...
“Going to the Movies”
(Daily Express, 2004)
This article reviews the 8th Annual European Film Festival, which was held at Movie Towne, Trinidad, from 14 October - 2 November, 2004. It notes that the films shown offered a valuable educational experience
Introduction estates general of third cinema montreal 74
(Film Studies Association of Canada ; Association candienne d´études cinématographiques, 2015-08)