Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 521
Angular dependence of hysteresis shift in oblique deposited ferromagnetic/ antiferromagnetic coupled bilayers
(AIP Publishing LLC, 2014-07-17)
Ferromagnetic coupling in a Co-doped graphenelike ZnO sheet
Using first-principles calculations it is demonstrated that Co doped graphenelike ZnO sheet presents ferromagnetic coupling. The Co atoms are energetically barrierless absorbed in the Zn sites, suffering a Jahn-Teller ...
Potts model on the Sierpinski gasket: A transfer-matrix approach
(Physical Review B, 1993)
The q-states Potts model on the Sierpj. nski gasket with ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions
is analyzed with use of the transfer-matrix method. It leads to a set of four coupled maps for the
free energy and ...
Transport through hybrid superconducting/ferromagnetic double-path junction
In this paper we study a double-path junction formed by a ferromagnetic and a superconductor lead. The first path connects the superconductor and ferromagnet directly while the second path connects these metals through a ...
Heterobimetallic one-dimensional coordination polymers MICuII (M = Li and K) based on ferromagnetically coupled Di- and tetracopper(II) metallacyclophanes
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilICX - DEPARTAMENTO DE QUÍMICAUFMG, 2018)
The ferromagnetic behaviour of conducting polymers revisited
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2008-01-23)
The magnetic properties of doped pellets of poly(3-methylthiophene) showing room temperature ferromagnetic behaviour have been discussed in a previous article. The magnetic behaviour was attributed to a weak ferromagnetic ...
The ferromagnetic behaviour of conducting polymers revisited
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2008-01-23)
The magnetic properties of doped pellets of poly(3-methylthiophene) showing room temperature ferromagnetic behaviour have been discussed in a previous article. The magnetic behaviour was attributed to a weak ferromagnetic ...
Defect induced room temperature ferromagnetism in high quality Co-doped ZnO bulk samples
The nature of the often reported room temperature ferromagnetism in transition metal doped oxides is still a matter of huge debate. Herein we report on room temperature ferromagnetism in high quality Co-doped ZnO (Zn1−xCoxO) ...
Evidence of defect-mediated magnetic coupling on hydrogenated Co-doped ZnO
Hydrogenated bulk Zn1-xCoxO samples were synthesized via standard solid-state reaction route with Co molar concentrations up to 15 at.%. Magnetic characterization demonstrates a room temperature ferromagnetic behavior ...