Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 423
Facial Emotion Recognition Using Context Based Multimodal Approach
Emotions play a crucial role in person to person
interaction. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in
improving all aspects of interaction between humans and
computers. The ability to understand human ...
Development and validation of an Argentine set of facial expressions of emotion
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-02)
Pictures of facial expressions of emotion are used in a wide range of experiments. The last decade has seen an increase in the number of studies presenting local sets of emotion stimuli. However, only a few existing sets ...
Are Instructed Emotional States Suitable for Classification? Demonstration of How They Can Significantly Influence the Classification Result in An Automated Recognition System
At the present time, various freely available or commercial solutions are used to classify the subject's emotional state. Classification of the emotional state helps us to understand how the subject feels and what he is ...
Fatores sócio-familiares associados ao reconhecimento de expressões faciais das emoções em idosos
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarCâmpus São CarlosGerontologia - Gero, 2021-10-29)
Facial expressions are an important source of communication, both for transmission and recognition of the emotional state of the person who communicates. Demographic factors such as gender, age, and education may be related ...
Expressões faciais de emoções de crianças com deficiência visual e videntes: avaliação e intervenção sob a perspectiva das Habilidades Sociais
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia - PPGPsi, 2012-04-20)
The ability of expressing emotions via facial expressions is an indispensable component of some required childhood social skills. Therefore, facial expressions are crucial for successful social relations and the quality ...
What a smile means: contextual beliefs and facial emotion expressions in a non-verbal zero-sum game
(Frontiers Media Sa, 2016-04-19)
Research into the authenticity of facial emotion expressions often focuses on the physical properties of the face while paying little attention to the role of beliefs in emotion perception. Further, the literature most ...
Reconocimiento de la expresión facial de la emoción en mexicanos universitariosAcknowledgement of emotional facial expression in Mexican college students
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo EditorialPE, 2007)
A Fuzzy Reasoning Model for Recognition of Facial Expressions
(Revista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 15 No. 2, 2011-12-13)
Abstract. In this paper we present a fuzzy reasoning model and a designed system for Recognition of Facial Expressions, which can measure and recognize the intensity of basic or non-prototypical emotions. The proposed model ...
Gender influence on emotional perception of wheelchair users based on self-report and facial micro-expressionInfluência do gênero na percepção emocional de usuários de cadeiras de rodas a partir do autorrelato e microexpressão facial
People with disabilities are socially characterized by their limitations and assistive devices. In particular, the Wheelchair (CR) is an Assistive Technology seen as socially limiting. This can influence the emotional ...