Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 230
Phenolic exudates from Ludwigia peploides and Azolla sp. enhance germination of Polygonum ferrugineum seeds
(Elsevier Science, 2018-12)
The release of allelochemicals by aquatic macrophytes can inhibit or benefit other plants. Here we studied allelopathic interactions between syntopic species native to the Neotropical region. First, we quantified the ...
Not all ALMT1-type transporters mediate aluminum-activated organic acid responses: the case of ZmALMT1 - an anion-selective transporter
(Blackwell PublishingOxfordInglaterra, 2008)
Sulphur deficiency inhibits nitrogen assimilation and recycling in barley plants
(Springer, 2017-12)
Sulphur (S) is incorporated into diverse primary and secondary metabolites that play important roles in proper growth and development of plants. In cereals, a fraction of the nitrogen (N) accumulated in developing grains ...
Screening of maize genotypes for low Striga Asiatica stimulant production using the Agar Gel Technique
(African Crop Science Societyhttp://www.bioline.org.br/abstract?id=cs94026&lang=en, 2013)
Concentration of cefotaxime in the exudate from ischemic ulcer after systemic and regional administration Concentración de cefotaxima en el exudado de úlceras isquémicas despúes de administración sistémica y regional.
We evaluated the concentration of cefotaxime in the exudate from ischemic leg ulcers in 9 subjects with severe obstructive arterial disease. The administration of the drug was either systemic (1 g in 250 ml of saline given ...
Aluminum-induced organic acids exudation by roots of an aluminum-tolerant tropical maize
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 1997)
Metabolism and root exudation of organic acid anions under aluminium stressMetabolismo e exsudação de ânions de ácidos orgânicos sob estresse de alumínio
(Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2005)