Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4413
Extreme and Exposed Points of Spaces of Integral Polynomials
(American Mathematical Society, 2010-04)
We show that if E is a real Banach space such that E has the approximation property and such that 1 → n,s, E, then the set of extreme points of the unit ball of PI (nE) is equal to {±φn : φ ∈ E , φ = 1}. Under the ...
Geometry of the Marcinkiewicz sequence space
(Springer, 2021-05)
We characterise the real extreme points of the unit ball of mΨ0, the complex extreme points of the unit ball of mΨ and the real extreme and exposed points of the unit ball of (mΨ0)′. Using these characterisations we show ...
Characterization of Extremal Antipodal Polygons
(Springer, 2015)
Let S be a set of 2n points on a circle such that for each point p∈S also its antipodal (mirrored with respect to the circle center) point p′ belongs to S. A polygon P of size n is called antipodal if it consists of precisely ...
Pre-images Of Extreme Points Of The Numerical Range, And Applications
(ElementZAGREB, 2016)
Point process models for extreme returns: Harnessing implied volatility
Forecasting the risk of extreme losses is an important issue in the management of financial risk. There has been a great deal of research examining how option implied volatilities (IV) can be used to forecast asset return ...
Existence Results for Semilinear Differential Evolution Equations with Impulses and Delay
(Universidad de La Frontera. Departamento de Matemática y EstadísticaUniversidade Federal de Pernambuco. Departamento de Matemática, 2010)
Energy risk management through self-exciting marked point process
General univalence criteria in the disk: Extensions and extremal function
Many classical univalence criteria depending on the Schwarzian derivative are special cases of a result, proved in [18], involving both conformal mappings and conformal metrics. The classical theorems for analytic functions ...
A partial answer to the Demyanov Ryabova conjecture
(Springer, 2018)
In this work we are interested in the Demyanov-Ryabova conjecture for a finite family of polytopes. The conjecture asserts that after a finite number of iterations (successive dualizations), either a 1-cycle or a 2-cycle ...