Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1675
ILPES: inserción externa, competitividad y crisis fiscal" = ILPES: "external insertion, competitiveness and fiscal crisis""
(ILPES, 1989-04-19)
Analiza la inserción internacional de América Latina y el Caribe, el papel que los sectores privado y gubernamental pueden jugar en diferentes políticas de reinserción, y algunas funciones que los organismos nacionales de ...
Retrospective evaluation about morse taper versus external hexagon implants placed after maxillary sinus lift
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the success and survival rate of implants with different types of prosthetic connections inserted in the posterior maxilla in native bone or in sinuses ...
Near-optimal online multiselection in internal and external memory
(Elsevier, 2016)
We introduce an online version of the multiselection problem, in which q selection queries are requested on an unsorted array of nelements. We provide the first online algorithm that is 1-competitive with the offline ...
Analysis of primary stability of dental implants inserted in different substrates using the pullout test and insertion torque
The aim of the study was to evaluate mechanical behavior of implants inserted in three substrates, by measuring the pullout strength and the relative stiffness. 32 implants (Master Porous-Conexao, cylindrical, external ...
Analysis of primary stability of dental implants inserted in different substrates using the pullout test and insertion torque
The aim of the study was to evaluate mechanical behavior of implants inserted in three substrates, by measuring the pullout strength and the relative stiffness. 32 implants (Master Porous-Conexao, cylindrical, external ...
A inserção econômica internacional e a vulnerabilidade externa do Brasil e da Argentina (1990-1999)
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRDireitoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Integração Latino-Americana, 2008-08-29)
This study examines the international economic integration of Brazil and Argentina during the period of 1990-1999, and assesses the vulnerability of the two foreign countries. From the evolution of the flows of trade balance ...
ILPES: inserción externa, desarrollo y planificación" = ILPES: "external insertion, development and planning""
(ILPES, 1989-04-19)
Analiza la evolución de la posición relativa de América Latina y el Caribe en el contexto internacional; los principales fenómenos del desarrollo contemporáneo que condicionarán su futuro; la vitalidad de la empresa ...