Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1178
Expresividad poética y traducción con breve lectura de Fedro I. 1
(Asociación Argentina de Estudios Clásicos, 2013-07-01)
The term poetic expressiveness refers to the multiple joints of the plan of expression, derived from the expressive value of the linguistic sign (ROSSET: 1970, 135) and its particular role in the field of poetry. The ...
Expresividad poética y traducción con breve lectura de Fedro I. 1
(Asociación Argentina de Estudios Clásicos, 2015)
Expresividad poética y traducción con breve lectura de Fedro I. 1
(Asociación Argentina de Estudios Clásicos, 2015)
Arte em exposi????o: um pacto entre a imagem po??tica e a imagem pl??stica na obra de Carlos Drummond de Andrade
(Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Letras e Lingu??stica da UFBA, 2007)
Anthropophagic-Perspectivistic Poetics for a Re-Vision of the Brazilian Theater: the scene of origin
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2022)
Poéticas visuais em construção: a metamorfose expressiva da criança e a educação (do) sensível
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBREducaçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2007-05-17)
This research, linked to the Teaching Post-Graduating Course, Arts Educational field, has been developed in a third (3rd) grade class of the Antônio Alves Ramos school, at the city of
Santa Maria, RS. Aimed to know and ...
Conjectures about language, poetical experimentation: from borges narrative to the work of huidobro, vallejo, and girondo
This article poses an approach to Borges short narrative from critique of language perspective, in order to connect the view of this author with the poetical work of Huidobro, Vallejo, and Girondo. While the Argentinian ...
Argumentos sobre el alma: Retórica y poética
(Venezuela, 2010)
Argumentos sobre el alma: Retórica y poética
(Venezuela, 2010)
Permanent Findings: Cubanness within the Poetic Work of José Lezama LimaEl hallazgo permanente: la cubanidad en la poética de José Lezama Lima
(Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano - Editorial, 2016)