Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 65
Experimental Design as Archeological PracticeDiseño experimental como práctica arqueológica
(Escuela de Diseño Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2018)
An infrared and SEM study of the margins of some german hyperinflation postage stamps
(RJPBCS Research Journal Pharmaceutical, Biological & Chemical Sciences, 2018-04)
Infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies were performed on the margins (the area without printed colors) of a set of German postage stamps dated 1923 and corresponding to the hyperinflationary ...
The effects of dehydration and local soil on parasite recovery: A preliminary paleoparasitological evaluation on experimental coprolites
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2021-10)
Experimental paleoparasitological approaches have been used in order to optimize the methodology previously to the application in archeological samples. In this study we evaluated the action of dehydration and local soil ...
Determinação dos atributos químicos do solo com experimento terra preta nova.Determination of soil chemical attributes with terra preta nova experiment.
(Brazilian Journal of Development, 2020)