Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 171
Gender, Psychiatric and Cognitive Status Related to Experiential Auras in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
(Scientific literature, 2018-08)
Objective: To determine whether the experiential auras in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) are related to gender, psychiatric comorbidity, material-specific memory impairment, lateralization by video-EEG and ...
Terror, memoria y archivos
(Universidad de Chie, Facultad de Derecho, 2016)
En atención al debate suscitado a propósito de los esfuerzos por desclasificar los antecedentes
sometidos a la regla de secreto establecida por la ley que instituyera la así llamada “Comisión
Valech”, el trabajo indaga ...
Acciones alternas de promoción a través del punto de venta en relación con la satisfacción del cliente en restaurantes temáticos de Lima MetropolitanaExperiential marketing strategies in relation to consumer satisfaction in thematic restaurants of Lima
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2020)
Being from the Land: Memory, Self and the Power of Place in Indigenous Southern Chile
Connection with ancestral land is a central tenet of indigenous identity claims. In a departure from constructivist approaches to the role ancestral land in identity politics, this article focuses on the discursive and ...
Evitación experiencial en el proceso de duelo en sobrevivientes a pérdida por suicidio
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2021-09-10)
La presente investigación busca describir la evitación experiencial en el proceso de duelo en sobrevivientes a pérdida por suicidio. Esta se define como el fenómeno en el que la persona evita conectarse con experiencias ...
A cidade e seus patrimônios: um estudo das experiências, memórias e representações da praça central e do seu entorno em Pirassununga - SP
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019-12-18)
Pirassununga é um dos municípios do Estado de São Paulo. Localizado na região administrativa de Campinas, está completando seus 196 anos de história e memória. Seu surgimento e consequente desenvolvimento estão ligados às ...
Education of the memory from the literature: past, (re)interpretation of the present and the memory as training praxis
Education of the memory from the literature: past, (re)interpretation of the present and the memory as training praxis
Entre experiencia e invenção: Incidencias autobiográficas em Antonio Torres
In Antonio Torres' literature, the presence of artistically elaborated elements that refer to personal experiences and specific features of his life causes the memorialism that governs the telling of the characters' story ...
Between experience and invention: autobiographical incidences in AntonioTorres' fiction
(Univ Brasilia, Dept Teoria Literaria & Literaturas, 2016-01-01)
In Antonio Torres' literature, the presence of artistically elaborated elements that refer to personal experiences and specific features of his life causes the memorialism that governs the telling of the characters' story ...