Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 985
Response to a letter to the editor: Response to McCarthy's comments on the derivation of Schubert's ion-exchange equations.
(The Williams & Wilkins Co., 1978)
Rho-nucleon tensor coupling and charge-exchange resonances
(Elsevier B.V., 2000-11-23)
The Gamow-Teller resonance in Pb-208 is discussed in the context of a self-consistent RPA, based on the relativistic mean field theory. We inquire on the possibility of substituting the phenomenological Landau-Migdal force ...
La circulación cambiaria
(Buenos Aires, Editorial de Belgrano, 1997)
Fuente: Fondo Fundación Editorial de Belgrano
An exchange 25 years later between Professor Stephen Nickell and Tim Congdon
After the 1981 Budget, 364 university economists in Britain wrote to The
Timesto complain about the tightness of macroeconomic policy, prompted
by the plans in the Budget to cut public sector borrowing by some £3.3
billion, ...
A new approach to organomanganese compounds: the tellurium/manganese exchange reaction
Diorganomanganese compounds react with aryl, vinyl, and alkynyl tellurides in a tellurium/manganese exchange reaction. The new mixed organomanganese reagents react selectively with electrophiles. (C) 2010 Published by ...
Rho-nucleon tensor coupling and charge-exchange resonances
(Elsevier B.V., 2014)
Rho-nucleon tensor coupling and charge-exchange resonances
(Elsevier B.V., 2000-11-23)
The Gamow-Teller resonance in Pb-208 is discussed in the context of a self-consistent RPA, based on the relativistic mean field theory. We inquire on the possibility of substituting the phenomenological Landau-Migdal force ...
PIBID e interculturalidade: reflexões a partir de troca de cartas entre alunos indígenas e não indígenas.
(Universidade Federal do TocantinsTocantinópolisCURSO::TOCANTINÓPOLIS::PRESENCIAL::LICENCIATURA::CIÊNCIAS SOCIAISTocantinópolisGraduação, 2019)
Sister-chromatid exchanges in β-thalassaemic patients under conditions of in vivo and in vitro depletion of folic acid
In order to investigate the effect of folate depletion, lymphocyte sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) rates were compared among homozygous β-thalassaemic patients with low folic acid levels, heterozygous β-thalassaemic patients ...