Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 404
Ethnoecology in pluricultural contexts: Theoretical and methodological contributions
(Humana Press, 2019)
This chapter is a contribution to current ethnoecology from a complex perspective, through a revision of the presuppositions that constitute its theoretical–methodological framework. The systemic approach of ecology ...
Ethnoecological knowledge of the artisan fishermen of octopi (Octopus spp.) in the community of Coroa Vermelha (Santa Cruz Cabralia, Bahia)
(Acad Brasileira De CienciasRio JaneiroBrasil, 2011)
Ethnoecology of sotalia guianensis (gervais, 1853) in the Amazon estuar
This chapter describes a study conducted on the ecology of Sotalia guianensis in the Amazon estuary from 1999 to 2001, using participatory research with methodology. Interviews of 150 fishermen across 11 towns as well as ...
Remembering Darrell Posey´s Contribution to Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology
(Sociedade Brasileira de Etnobiologia e Etnoecologia, 2018)
The capture of the mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus) in the estuarine system of Santos-são Vicente: Ethnoecology of the fishermen from vila dos pescadores, Cubatão (SP), BrazilA captura do caranguejo-uçá (Ucides Cordatus) no sistema estuarino de santos-são Vicente: A etnoecologia dos catadores de caranguejo da vila dos pescadores, Cubatão (Sp), Brasil
‘Uçá’-crab (Ucides cordatus) is a fishery resource used by artisanal fishermen at ‘Baixada Santista’, São Paulo coast, very important for subsistence of countless families. Since 2014, law restrictions to capture of this ...
Ethnoecological knowledge of the artisan fishermen of octopi (Octopus spp.) in the community of Coroa Vermelha (Santa Cruz Cabrália, Bahia)
(Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2011)
Local and scientific knowledge for assessing the use of fallows and mature forest by large mammals in SE Brazil: identifying singularities in folkecology
(London, 2014)
Local ecological knowledge (LEK) has been discussed in terms of its similarities to and its potential to complement normative scientific knowledge. In this study, we compared the knowledge of a Brazilian ...