Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 238
Ethnicity and health: experience with an urban mapuche health program from the perspective of key actors
(Springer, 2020)
This article explores the relationships and tensions between ethnicity and health, describing the perspectives of various social actors on a Mapuche clinic in the context of a national health program. A qualitative methodology ...
Ethnicity and Policy: Ethnic Minorities and Official Power in ChinaEtnicidad y política Estatal: Las comunidades étnicas minoritarias frente al poder oficial en China
(Universidad del Rosario, 2017)
Official policy defines China as a unity of many nationalities. This definition marks the country's policy towards ethnic and national minorities. While the country is inhabited by a number of ethnic groups, the article ...
Discursive positioning in the construction of ethnic identity among mapuche adolescents in Temuco and Santiago language
Ethnic and migration components of social practices: opportunities to regain trust
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Laying claims on the city: young Mapuche ethnic identity and the use of urban space in Santiago, Chile
Imigração e teorias antropólogicas no Brasil (1910-1920)
Brazil takes pride in its alleged lack of racial discrimination. These idealized racial relations are a construction of enlightened elites. This article analyzes one of the main cultural publications in the country in order ...