Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 172
Eruptive parameters and dynamics of the April 2015 sub-Plinian eruptions of Calbuco volcano (southern Chile)
We conducted geological and petrological analyses of the tephra fallout and pyroclastic density current (PDC) products of the 22-23 April 2015 Calbuco eruptions. The eruptive cycle consisted of two sub-Plinian phases that ...
Old magma and a new, intrusive trigger: using diffusion chronometry to understand the rapid-onset Calbuco eruption, April 2015 (Southern Chile)
(Springer Verlag, 2019)
In April 2015, an unpredicted rapid-onset eruption occurred at Calbuco Volcano, Southern Andes of Chile. This event consisted of two, sub-Plinian eruptions separated by a few hours. By analysis of Fe–Ti exchange between ...
Eruptive parameters and dynamics of the April 2015 sub-Plinian eruptions of Calbuco volcano (southern Chile)
(CIENCIAS, 2016)
We conducted geological and petrological analyses of the tephra fallout and pyroclastic density current (PDC) products of the 22-23 April 2015 Calbuco eruptions. The eruptive cycle consisted of two sub-Plinian phases that ...
Eruptive parameters and dynamics of the April 2015 sub-Plinian eruptions of Calbuco volcano (southern Chile)
(CIENCIAS, 2016)
We conducted geological and petrological analyses of the tephra fallout and pyroclastic density current (PDC) products of the 22-23 April 2015 Calbuco eruptions. The eruptive cycle consisted of two sub-Plinian phases that ...
Largest explosive eruption in historical times in the Andes at Huaynaputina volcano, A.D. 1600, southern Peru
(Geological Society of America, 1999-05)
The largest explosive eruption (volcanic explosivity index of 6) in historical times in the Andes took place in a.d. 1600 at Huaynaputina volcano in southern Peru. According to chronicles, the eruption began on February ...
Pre-eruptive magmatic processes associated with the historical (218 ± 14 aBP) explosive eruption of Tutupaca volcano (southern Peru)
(Springer Berlin HeidelbergDE, 2020-01)
Magma recharge into a differentiated reservoir is one of the main triggering mechanisms for explosive eruptions. Here we describe the petrology of the eruptive products of the last explosive eruption of Tutupaca volcano ...
Effect of volcanic eruptions on stratospheric ozone and irradiance
(Nova Science Publishers, 2015)
Major volcanic eruptions can inject large amounts of sulfur into the stratosphere, increasing the stratospheric aerosol layer for several years. In the last decades, this effect was observed after the eruptions of El ...
Reações cutâneas desencadeadas por drogas
(Soc Brasileira Dermatologia, 2008-05-01)
OBJECTIVE - To assess drug reactions and report the drugs involved and the most frequent types of skin reactions.METHODS - A retrospective and descriptive study. Data of inpatients at the Dermatology Ward with initial ...
Reações cutâneas desencadeadas por drogas
(Soc Brasileira Dermatologia, 2008-05-01)
OBJECTIVE - To assess drug reactions and report the drugs involved and the most frequent types of skin reactions.METHODS - A retrospective and descriptive study. Data of inpatients at the Dermatology Ward with initial ...
Effect of volcanic ash deposition on length and radial growths of a deciduous montane tree (Nothofagus pumilio)
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2017-02)
Extreme environmental events such as volcanic eruptions can trigger plant responses that largely exceed those recorded for moderate-intensity disturbances. We assessed the effects of the June 2011 eruption of the Puyehue ...