Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 99
Valoración económica de los efectos externos de la erosión hídrica sobre la infraestructura de caminos rurales en el Sur de la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina
(Taller Economía Ambiental Aportes para el Desarrollo de Territorios, EEA Pergamino, Agosto de 2010, 2010-08)
La presente investigación se propone como objetivo valorar económicamente los efectos externos de la erosión hídrica sobre los caminos rurales en dicha zona. El valor económico de los efectos de la erosión sobre los caminos ...
Willingness to Pay of Smallholders for Soil Restoration: Results of a Contingent Valuation Survey
This work presents the willingness to pay of smallholders of the rainfed from Central Chile by means of implementing restoration projects of soils degraded by erosion, covering an area that extends from Libertador Bernardo ...
Willingness to Pay of Smallholders for Soil Restoration: Results of a Contingent Valuation Survey
This work presents the willingness to pay of smallholders of the rainfed from Central Chile by means of implementing restoration projects of soils degraded by erosion, covering an area that extends from Libertador Bernardo ...
Valuation methodology of laminar erosion potential using fuzzy inference systems in a Brazilian savanna
This study presents an approach on the evaluation of potential laminar erosion in the Ribeirão Sucuri Grande watershed. It is located in the northeast of the state of Goiás, Brazil, a conservation area under strong ...
Valoração ambiental da erosão marginal do perímetro irrigado Cotinguiba / Pindoba no baixo São Francisco sergipano
(Universidade Federal de SergipePós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento e Meio AmbienteBRUFS, 2017)
Local identification and valuation of ecosystem goods and services from Opuntia scrublands of Ayacucho, Peru
(ELSEVIER, 2006-04-15)
Opuntia scrublands are important ecological-economic systems in the Andean area. They perform a major role protecting slopes against erosion, improving the soil properties and providing a variety of products employed in ...