Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 216
The welfare and access to veterinary health services of mules working the mountain trails in the Gorkha region, Nepal
(Faculty of Veterinary Sciences - Universidad Austral de Chile, 2023)
Why should human-animal interactions be included in research of working equids’ welfare?
(MDPI AG, 2019)
The livelihood of working horses’ owners and their families is intimately linked to the welfare of their equids. A proper understanding of human-animal interactions, as well as the main factors that modulate them, is ...
Application of the hands on donkey tool for assessing the welfare of working equids at Tuliman, Mexico
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)
Equids are still used for diverse chores in Mexico and are essential for the livelihoods of numerous families. Appropriate health and behavior are prerequisites for performing work without affecting welfare. This study ...
Equine infectios anemia of traction equids in the Cuiaba Districty, MT, Brazil
(Soc Medicina Veterinaria Estado Rio de Janeiro, 2007-10-01)
The present study it had for objective to search the AIE in equids traction of the city of Cuiaba, of which if it extracted an inquiry epidemiologist and a sampling of blood serum of 113 animals (110 equines and 3 mules) ...
Equine infectios anemia of traction equids in the Cuiaba Districty, MT, Brazil
(Soc Medicina Veterinaria Estado Rio de Janeiro, 2007-10-01)
The present study it had for objective to search the AIE in equids traction of the city of Cuiaba, of which if it extracted an inquiry epidemiologist and a sampling of blood serum of 113 animals (110 equines and 3 mules) ...
Equine infectios anemia of traction equids in the Cuiaba Districty, MT, Brazil
(Soc Medicina Veterinaria Estado Rio de Janeiro, 2014)
Detection and genotyping of equid herpesvirus 1 in Uruguay
(Office International des Epizootes, 2017)
Infection with equid alphaherpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) causes respiratory disease, abortion and neurological disorders in horses. Molecular epidemiology studies have demonstrated that a single nucleotide polymorphism (A2254/G2254) ...
Working equids presented at a veterinary reference center in southern Chile (2015-2021)
(Faculty of Veterinary Sciences - Universidad Austral de Chile, 2023)