Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 132
Electric field and magnetometer observations of the equatorial electrojet: An IEEY program
(Instituto Geofísico del Perú, Radio Observatorio de Jicamarca, 1994)
As part of the IEEY program, a chain of magnetometers was deployed along the Peruvian sector crossing the equatorial electrojet. Simultaneous vertical drift measurements were made using Jicamarca's normal I.S. F-region ...
On the development of nonlinear waves in the equatorial electrojet
(Elsevier, 2013-10)
Theories for the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) have been notoriously difficult to resolve with data. Two of these problems were solved recently and another is discussed in this publication. We initially review solutions to ...
The equatorial electrojet during geomagnetic storms and substorms
(American Geophysical Union, 2015-02-16)
He climatology of the equatorial electrojet during periods of enhanced geomagnetic activity is examined using long‐term records of ground‐based magnetometers in the Indian and Peruvian regions. Equatorial electrojet ...
The equatorial electrojet: a bibliography
(Instituto Geofísico del Perú, 1990)
This work has been carried out for the purpose of transferring scientifíc knowledge on the Equatorial Electrojet to the engineering community who works in the fíeld of telecommunications. The skillful knowledge acquired ...
The Equatorial Electrojet: A brief reviewThe Equatorial Electrojet: A brief review
(Instituto de Geofísica, 2012)
Detection of radiation from a heated and modulated equatorial electrojet current system
(Nature Research, 1984-09)
In May 1983, ionospheric heating experiments were conducted using the Jicamarca very high frequency (VHF) radar facility located -11 km east of Lima, Peru. Experiments involving high frequency (HF) heating of the lower ...
Effects of large horizontal winds on the equatorial electrojet
(American Geophysical Union, 2002-08)
The effects of large winds on the low-latitude E region ionosphere and the equatorial electrojet in particular are analyzed theoretically, computationally, and experimentally. The principles that govern the relationship ...
On the mutual relationship of the equatorial electrojet, TEC and scintillation in the Peruvian sector
(American Geophysical Union, 2016-05-31)
This paper presents the interrelationship between the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) strength, Global Positioning System (GPS)‐derived total electron content (TEC), and postsunset scintillation from ground observations with ...