Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 9
Water table variations in Atacama Desert alluvial fans: discussion of “Evidence of short-term groundwater recharge signal propagation from the Andes to the central Atacama Desert: a singular spectrum analysis approach”
(Taylor & Fracis, 2020)
Using a statistical approach, Scheihing attempts to demonstrate the direct influence of recharge events in
the Precordillera and the Andean Piedmont on water table variations in downstream alluvial fans. The
author ...
Deciphering groundwater flow-paths in fault-controlled semiarid mountain front zones (Central Chile)
The Mountain-Block Recharge (MBR), also referred to as the hidden recharge, consists of groundwater inflows from the mountain block into adjacent alluvial aquifers. This is a significant recharge process in arid environments, ...
Water table variations in the hyperarid Atacama Desert: Role of the increasing groundwater extraction in the pampa del tamarugal (Northern Chile)
(Academic Press, 2019)
In the hyperarid Atacama Desert (Northern Chile), the economic and social development is supported using fossil groundwater. The groundwater extraction (GWE)has significantly increased over the last 30 years, reaching ∼4.2 ...
Groundwater resources of the Western Andean Front: insights from the Aconcagua Basin, Central Chile
(Universidad de Chile, 2020)
The misunderstanding of hydrogeological processes together with the oversimplification of aquifer conceptual models result in numerous inaccuracies in the management of groundwater resources. Despite that Chile is a ...
Comparison of three infiltration methods used to calculate soil water balance, in the Suquíapa River Basin, El SalvadorComparación de tres métodos de infiltración utilizados para el cálculo del balance hídrico del suelo, en la Cuenca del río Suquiapa, El Salvador
(Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica, 2017)
Chemical and isotopic features of Li-rich brines from the Salar de Olaroz, Central Andes of NW Argentina
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-11)
The lithium-rich brines of the Salar de Olaroz in the Central Andes of NW Argentina are considered to be of great economic and strategic interest. This study focused on the fluid source(s) and geochemical processes governing ...
Groundwater resources of the Western Andean Front: Insights from the Aconcagua Basin, Central ChileRecursos de agua subterránea en el Frente Occidental Andino: Perspectivas desde la cuenca del Aconcagua, Chile central
The misunderstanding of hydrogeological processes together with the oversimplification of aquifer conceptual models result in numerous inaccuracies in the management of groundwater resources. Despite that Chile is a ...
Evaluation of existing relations between convective systems and extreme events in tropical catchments of the Andean region
(Departamento de Geociencias y Medo AmbienteUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín, 2017-03-10)
In hydrology, there are several sources of uncertainty, one of them is associated with the rainfall. And, understand it may help in aspects such as risk management. Despite this, there is a lack of efforts to understand ...