Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 14
A novel function for Wnt signaling modulating neuronal firing activity and the temporal structure of spontaneous oscillation in the entorhinal-hippocampal circuit
(Elsevier Inc, 2015)
During early and late postnatal developments, the establishment of functional neuronal connectivity depends on molecules like Wnt that help the recently formed synapses to establish and consolidate their new cellular ...
A novel function for Wnt signaling modulating neuronal firing activity and the temporal structure of spontaneous oscillation in the entorhinal-hippocampal circuit
(Elsevier Inc, 2015)
During early and late postnatal developments, the establishment of functional neuronal connectivity depends on molecules like Wnt that help the recently formed synapses to establish and consolidate their new cellular ...
Failure to Recover from Proactive Semantic Interference and Abnormal Limbic Connectivity in Asymptomatic, Middle-Aged Offspring of Patients with Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease
(IOS Press, 2017-10)
Background: We have obtained previous evidence of limbic dysfunction in middle-Aged, asymptomatic offspring of lateonset Alzheimer´s disease (LOAD) patients, and failure to recover from proactive semantic interference has ...
Oscilações neurais sincronizando circuitos olfatórios e hipocampais
Local field potentials (LFPs) in the rodent brain exhibit prominent oscillations, which have
been suggested to coordinate information flow across neuronal circuits. This thesis
investigated oscillations that simultaneously ...
Evaluación de los cambios morfológicos en neuronas hipocampales producidos por lesión del nervio facial en ratas
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaBogotá - Ciencias - Maestría en Ciencias - BiologíaDepartamento de BiologíaFacultad de CienciasBogotá - ColombiaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2021-09-03)
Distintos modelos de lesión de nervios periféricos en ratas se han utilizado ampliamente para estudiar los cambios estructurales que ocurren, no solamente en las neuronas directamente afectadas, sino también en otras ...
Dinámica de circuitos excitatorios e inhibitorios y su modulación en la neurogénesis adulta del hipocampoDynamics of excitatory and inhibitory neuronal circuits and their modulation during adult neurogenesis
ResumenTítulo: ?Dinámica de circuitos excitatorios e inhibitorios y su modulación en la neurogénesis adulta del hipocampo?Palabras clave: Hipocampo, circuitos neuronales, neurogénesis adulta, neuromoduladores, acetilcolina.El ...
Failure to recover from proactive semantic interference and abnormal limbic connectivity in asymptomatic, middle-aged offspring of patients with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease
(IOS Press, 2017)
Background: We have obtained previous evidence of limbic dysfunction in middle-aged, asymptomatic offspring of lateonset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) patients, and failure to recover from proactive semantic interference has ...