Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 16079
Direct sizing and characterization of Energy Storage Systems in the Energy-Power plane
(Elsevier, 2017)
This paper presents an original sizing method for Energy Storage Systems (ESS) based on directly matching their Energy and Power (EP) capabilities with the EP demand. Starting from the system requirements and from an energy ...
The species-energy theory: A role for energy variability
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2010-10)
Species-energy theory posits that energy availability regulates population sizes, extinction rates and ultimately species richness. This theory has focused mostly on total energy as a measure of energy availability. However, ...
RenPower: Software for sizing renewable energy microgrids for academic teaching
This article describes the development of the RenPower (Renewable Power) software for sizing of renewable
energy microgrids able to be used in academic teaching. RenPower was implemented using the graphic programming
language ...
Sizing methodology for hybrid systems based on multiple renewable power sources integrated to the energy management strategy
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., 2014-01)
This work presents a design methodology for a hybrid energy system based on multiple renewable power sources and bioethanol. The new concept of generation consists on having multiple power sources such as a PEM fuel cell ...
Optimal Sizing of Stationary Energy Storage Systems Participating in Primary Frequency Regulation Markets
Stationary energy storage systems (ESSs) are becoming a prominent option to support the power grid via ancillary services. For instance, transmission system operators (TSOs) can take advantage of the fast control capabilities ...
Optimal Sizing of Stationary Energy Storage Systems Participating in Primary Frequency Regulation Markets
(Ieee, 2018-01-01)
Stationary energy storage systems (ESSs) are becoming a prominent option to support the power grid via ancillary services. For instance, transmission system operators (TSOs) can take advantage of the fast control capabilities ...